The list Black and White ATE Trabajo renews its mandate in the elections for the Internal Board and Body of Delegates with a victory with 63% of the votes for the Violet, Green and White list referenced in Daniel Catalano.
An important victory in the Ministry of Labor (dependent on Human Capital) which is now directly led by Techint officials, to strengthen the fight against layoffs in the State and for the reinstatement of all workers, against Milei’s chainsaw plan, for the recovery of wages and building an alternative to the different wings of the union bureaucracy. Workers who were laid off from the organization participated in the election, fighting for their reinstatement, which allowed the democratic nature of the electoral decision to be reinforced.
The broad triumph was achieved in the three buildings that make up the current Secretariat. In the central building of In Alem, the White and Black list won by 205 votes to 125 in the Internal Board, and 200 to 130 in the body of delegatesIn the Alsina building, the result was 39 to 25 in favor of the Blanca y Negra for the internal board and 38 to 28 for the delegate body, and in Callao the victory was 17 to 5.
The White and Black list of ATE Trabajo renews its mandate in the elections of the Internal Board and Body of Delegates, beating the Green and White list referenced by Daniel Catalano
From the @MarronClasista We greet all the colleagues who participated in the event. pic.twitter.com/XTF9BRiAuU— Leo Amendola (@aladelos) August 8, 2024
In the face of the new attacks that the government is preparing against workers, and in particular state workers, it is essential to promote self-organization from below and coordination with all sectors that are resisting the adjustment.
Soledad Pagella of the Brown Classist Groupwho will serve his second term as Human Rights Delegate of the Internal Board He stated that “we continue to fight for an ATE Trabajo independent of the government and bureaucracy, of struggle and democracy. We are convinced that we have to continue to strengthen and develop the debate and organization in each of the sectors, as well as in general assemblies and open commissions, which are spaces to defend with everything in this situation of attack by the government. In particular in the human rights movement we are going through a strong attempt to advance a denialist agenda and against the banners of Memory, Truth and Justice, which we intend to defend with everything.
For its part Leonardo Amendola, elected as a sector delegate for the Alem buildings and also a member of the Marrón Clasista Group He added that “the election in Labor also showed the difficulties of the list Green and White to carry out a campaign focused on the defense of the Peronist political project. For us at Marron Clasista, in defense of a policy independent of both governments and union leaderships, the objective is to develop and strengthen a new activism for the fights we have within our ministry but also to coordinate with many other sectors that are resisting the entire government attack plan.”
In this sense, the support obtained by the White and Black list is also highlighted. different combative and anti-bureaucratic sectors in strugglesuch as the tire industry, Posadas hospital workers, from different state agencies such as the Ministry of Economy, Indec, among others. This solidarity is very important in the perspective of continuing to coordinate the fight against the attacks of the Milei government and the IMF.
Source: www.laizquierdadiario.com