Look, today in this session it was clear that we were close: 124-125 deputies and deputies, only four from the quorum. The Government’s nervousness was noticed, the officials behind the curtains, deputies speculating so that the quorum was not achieved. The governors called their deputies and deputies to avoid being able to meet today, when a really urgent and very serious issue should be discussed.

I am not going to ask the deputies of La Libertad advances, from the PRO, or the IMF officials, who ask the moratorium to fall and to continue cutting the retirees. Nor to those who made a roast to celebrate the veto to a law that granted an increase of just 15,000-17,000 pesos to older adults, who today charge misery in Argentina.

We have background projects that aim to give a favorable way out to those who worked all their lives. The moratorium is a patch in front of a pension system where the lack of registration, the precarious and unregistered work of millions of people, and the non -recognition of the workers of private houses are constant. This causes 80% of people of retirement to have the required 30 years of contribution because entrepreneurs do not carry them out. Therefore, we propose measures such as the registration of the workers and the restitution of the employer contributions to 33%.

We present a project similar to that of Deputy Moreau and other deputies, proposing the extension of the current moratorium. The urgency and severity of the subject are evident: hundreds of thousands of people, and in some years, millions, mostly women, depend on the moratorium to retire at 60 years. Without this measure, they will have to wait until 65. And while many retirees must continue working because their retirements are miserable, they will not even access a minimal retirement.

The end of the moratorium on March 23 means falling into the PUAM (universal pension for the elderly), which is only 80% of the minimum retirement, generating even more misery and eliminating the right to pension. That is, if a retired person loses his partner, he will not be able to access a pension, which further aggravates the situation.

Today, the agreement with the IMF approved a few hours ago, whether implicitly or explicitly, includes the requirement to pay less retirement in Argentina and reduce them even more. That is why they have frozen the 70,000 pesos bonus since March of last year. They talk about recovery, but anyone realizes that it is not. Purchasing power is constantly lost, the coverage of medicines is cut to older adults, which is absolute cruelty.

Therefore, every Wednesday, retirees and retirees mobilize in front of Congress. They do not accept that, after working a lifetime, they continue to punish and adjust for the benefit of large business groups. We believe that, beyond how it is technically resolved, the moratorium must be extended immediately. Then we will give the background debate with the projects of the Left Front and raise the need for popular mobilization.

The retirees say it clear in their marches: “worker, we are notifying you that your retirement are giving it up.” That is what is happening. This affects workers who are close to retirement age, especially women, who have been an example of struggle in our country and have conquered rights with their organization and mobilization.

Therefore, the five deputies and deputies of the Left Front came to this session and we will continue to insist on the extension of the retirement moratorium. It is also essential that the Budget Commission, chaired by Deputy Espert, calls for a session, since so far he has pretended to dementia and has not convened absolutely anything. This inaction responds to the interests of a government that obeys the IMF.

We are facing a weakened government, with huge financial and economic turbulences. You talk about the fiscal deficit, but not the social deficit. They do not care about the deficit that workers and retirees suffer, but that social deficit also explodes.

Even Pichetto acknowledged that the people below are having a bad time. Imagine the serious situation. Despite the fear campaign they have promoted and the brutal criminal repression of Bullrich, which still has Pablo Grillo, a photographer, fighting for his life, the workers and retirees continue in the street. Let’s not forget Paul, from here we send all our strength to him, his family, friends and colleagues.

The approved DNU is completely illegal, as is the agreement with the IMF. From the Left Front we will continue to insist so that it advances immediately with the extension of the retirement moratorium.

Source: www.laizquierdadiario.com

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