Last Saturday, Miles copied the Lezama Park in the City of Buenos Aires. That weekend, assemblies and meetings began in other cities. The voice began to run, and on Saturday, February 1, we marched from Congress to Plaza de Mayo at 4pm there will be calls throughout the country. It is that anger and the need to “go to the streets now” as stated again and again in Lezama, increased because they are no longer hate speeches that promotes freedom progresses as a state ideology, but also seek to install A reactionary agenda.

The Minister of Justice of the Nation Mariano Cúneo Libarona, said that the Milei Government seeks to eliminate the figure of femicide from the Criminal Code and remove the transvestite Trans work quota under the argument that “feminism is a distortion of the concept of equality.” In addition, those campaigns against our huge movement have to add the hard attacks to the left. “Zurds tremble, we will go looking for them,” they are threats of a lot of gravity, they cannot be naturalized. Not only are they a danger to the future, they are already a reality and leave injured. Verbal attacks legitimize physical attacks – as we saw with the lesbophobic murder of Pamela, Roxana and Andrea – and more with the historical background in our country. That is why our partner Myriam Bregman and the deputies and deputies of the PTS-Frente of the Left together with the lawyers and lawyers of the CEPRODH made the corresponding complaint in justice and promoted a support petition.

But the president is wrong to read that the assumption of Trump and the embarrassing of his facos friends that do the Nazi greeting like Elon Musk is a booth that allows him to linearly advance against the conquests of sexual diversity and feminisms, and especially the working people. It is not written that the Government can advance on our rights. The relationship of forces is fighting organized from below and in the streets between all who face and question the policies of the ruling party.

When we see the chainsaw in public health with the attempt to close interdisciplinary teams in public hospitals and emptying as occurs in Laura Bonaparte, Posadas, Sommer or the coordination of the Ministry of Health, we see how unity and coordination between the different sectors becomes fundamental as with health workers. When we see the attack on integral sex education, the role of teaching, families, student movement, specialist and activism to fight. As the workers’ workers said in the Lezama Assembly: “We want to propose to build a common and coordinated agenda, in order to face the attack we are suffering as it deserves. Let’s build together a great activity in the Plaza de May.

They also expressed the need to unify the bonaparte workers. In his words: “We are in struggle since this government assumed, because they are chasing us, they are emptying us, they are throwing us and are leaving us without resources. And emptying a hospital is to close it, and close it is to attempt against public health, we have that together in this fight. Fernández Hospital, because public health is not touched. “

We have to be more in the struggles and that begins by building the unit with all lxs that stand up. It is not a problem of “too progressive” agendas as some opposition referents continue To guarantee to be a “responsible opposition”, it is to promote as candidates or bet again on old electoral alliances that have already failed. The constant disappearance of the CGT that traveled and lets the labor reform run in all the struggles that have been developed since last year and currently, the layoffs advance in the public and private sector or the division of the fights with the isolated measures and insufficient of the ctas; They are an indication that we must be many, many, many who, from below, impose that they actively support our fight.

With sexual diversity and feminisms with the workers in the front, we go against hate crimes and femicides, because we do not return to the closet. Unit with all the ongoing fights to build a struggle plan to defeat Milei. We give the dispute to convert the song that was chanted in Lezama of “Where it is, that it is not seen, that famous CGT”, in an active requirement to build a general strike and a struggle plan, from each laborer in struggle and each workplace, from each neighborhood and place of study. Let’s activate together in each place where we move, the participation on the 1F. If they said nothing happened against Milei, look how we started demonstrating otherwise. It spread your friend, your relative, your work, study, your neighborhood, in your networks, to contribute each UNX from our place, to burst the squares and occupy the streets throughout the country.


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