At this time the high -impact crisis that affects the libertarian government, particularly President Javier Milei and his closest environment is still developed. It is that after the critical evening that the spokesman Manuel Adorni left yesterday against the advisor and right hand of the president, Santiago Caputo, by stating that it had been a mistake to cut the note in which Milei was interviewed by Jonatan Viale. Now the criticism of Cabinet Guillermo Francos joined criticism.

The former cavallista was categorical to comment that “the president seemed irresponsibility” and deepened: “The president got angry, of course. He got angry without knowing that this part was going to the air. He got angry with Caputo, it seemed irresponsibility that interrupted without any previous agreement with the driver of the program, and also interrupted for stupidity. “

Then he commented that “it seems to me that Santiago Caputo has learned a lesson and that is no one is overlapping,” in relation to the man who today has a key role in much of the cabinet, as well as in the management of the State’s Secretariat of Intelligence.

Beyond the internal and accusations on responsibility for the in progress, where new “folders” happen day by day, the attempt to hold officials with or without charge, as in the case of Santiago Caputo, responds to a I try to avoid the responsibility of the president himself in this scam of proportions.

The tweet that unleashed the scam, the interview full of contradictions, the questions that remain unanswered, all fit on the presidential figure in a case of international repercussion.

The rot of a rotten regime to the foundations is increasingly evident. It is essential to develop the mobilization in the streets to challenge the set of the setting plan of this scaming.


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