Alfredo Astiz (AFP)

Prior to the arrival of Javier Milei on French soil, invited to Paris this Friday for the opening ceremony of the Olympic Games, a harsh statement was published by human rights organizations regarding the recent visit of six deputies of La Libertad Avanza to genocidaires of the last military dictatorship in the Ezeiza prison.

Among the eleven convicted repressors who received this visit was Alfredo Astiz, who before being sentenced to life in prison in 2011 had been sentenced in absentia in France for the disappearances of nuns Alice Domon and Léonie Duquet.

The letter, entitled “France does not forget!”, is signed by Jean-Pierre Lhande, of the Association of Missing French People in Argentina, and Sophie Thonon-Wesfreid, a lawyer for the families of missing French people in Chile and Argentina. They stress that “the real purpose of this visit was, in fact, to assure the convicted that their sentences would soon be annulled and that they would be released” and recall that since the assumption of office of President Javier Milei, “his vice-president Victoria Villarruel, as well as several ministers and deputies of his party, have been nurturing the intention of releasing the convicted criminals.”

“We denounce the intention to free Alfredo Astiz, responsible for the disappearance of French nuns during the Argentine dictatorship,” the letter states.

They also make a direct appeal to President Macron, who will receive Milei in Paris: “the French president must be reminded that on March 16, 1990, the Cour d’Assises in Paris sentenced Alfredo Astiz in absentia to life imprisonment for the disappearance of the two nuns,” and that “an investigation is currently underway into the disappearance of twenty French citizens during the Argentine dictatorship.” The letter states forcefully: “Neither the pomp of the Olympic Games nor political or economic reasons should make us forget the French demand for justice.”

Meanwhile, in the Lower House of the National Congress, there is growing condemnation of the visit made by the deputies of La Libertad Avanza to the genocidaires imprisoned in Ezeiza; the deputies of the Left Front repudiated the meeting and requested reports on the events.

“The visit makes them accomplices of the genocide. We fought hard so that these kidnappers, torturers, rapists go to jail. We are going to fight with all our strength so that the repressors do not achieve impunity,” Myriam Bregman said in this regard from her X account.


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