In the first 10 months of 2024, tourism breaks a 30-year record, with R$35 billion spent on food, accommodation and services.
From January to October this year, foreign tourists injected US$6 billion into Brazil’s economy, the highest value in the historical series, which began in 1995. The amount represents a growth of 5.9% compared to the same period in 2023. In practice , there are almost R$35 billion circulating in areas such as food, accommodation, services and the informal economy.
The record reinforces the country’s appreciation on the global tourism scene, which in the first ten months of the year attracted more than 5.4 million international tourists, a figure 13% higher than that observed in the same period in 2023.
“We are in a very promising moment, with Brazil being seen and remembered abroad. Our foreign policy and our leading role in important global agendas have reinforced the country’s image. This promotes tourism, enhances national potential and makes foreigners want to live this experience, which is only possible here”, summarized the Minister of Tourism, Celso Sabino.
Attracted by Brazil’s natural beauty and cultural diversity and motivated by a more economically advantageous tourist offer, compared to European destinations, for example, foreign visitors have consolidated the country in the tourist market, especially in Latin America.
And to reinforce the arrival of these visitors, the Ministry of Tourism, through the Meet Brazil Flying Program, expanded the area network for the high summer season, which starts next month and runs until March. There will be 17,800 more flights available to various national destinations, compared to 2023.
A new study on the travel market in Latin America carried out by Phocuswright, a research company specializing in the tourism industry, the sector grew for the third consecutive year in 2023, with the gross value of reservations rising 29%, which in value represents US$ 70 .1 billion. In this context, Brazil stands out with an increase of 37%, a percentage that means R$218 billion in revenue within the expansion volume.
Attracting foreign tourists is among the goals of the Ministry of Tourism, and is part of the National Tourism Plan (PNT) 2024-207, which seeks to make Brazil the largest recipient of tourists in South America. The document defines the objective of achieving the mark of 8.1 million foreign travelers per year, in addition to reaching US$8.1 billion in revenue generated from expenses from this public. Given the positive scenario, the prospect is to surpass the number of 10 million foreign visitors in the period.
By Fábio Marques
Communications Office of the Ministry of Tourism
Source: https://www.ocafezinho.com/2024/11/25/turistas-estrangeiros-injetaram-mais-de-us-6-bi-na-economia-brasileira/