At the beginning of July, Buenos Aires legislator for FITU, Alejandrina Barry, accompanied by former national deputy Myriam Bregman and lawyer Matías Aufierimade a pedited so that the files are preserved and delivered of the various intelligence, security and human rights departments, linked to Plan Condor. Barry is the daughter of people who disappeared during the last civil-military dictatorship and a member of the Center of Professionals for Human Rights (CeProDH)as did Bregman and Aufieri.

Regarding that presentation made in July, which today the prosecutor Paloma Ochoa makes way for, Alejandrina pointed out that “this presentation that we made has to do with preserving those documents because, within the framework of a government that openly claims military dictatorshipour main concern is to prevent them from being destroyed. And those files can be a huge tool to discover the truth that we find out the fate of the more than 300 children, now adults, who continue to be kidnapped, the fate of our relatives, whose bodies we still do not know where they are.”

Prosecutor Ochoa granted Alejandrina’s request and extended it to all the victims of Plan Condorrequesting the court of Sebastián Casanello (currently in charge of Daniel Rafecas) to require from the SIDE, the Secretariat of Human Rights of the Nation, the Ministry of Defense and the Ministry of Security all information related to the victims, the accused and the beginnings of Plan Condor.

The request for information is an encouraging development, the result of the organisation and struggle of victims, relatives and human rights organisations for decades. It remains to be seen whether the judge will grant the request and how the information will be delivered.

The request made to Casanello’s court is part of the openly denialist policy of La Libertad Avanza. Since the beginning of its administration, the Government of Milei and Villarruel began attacking agencies related to the search for memory and justice for state terrorism.

In March, Defense Minister Luis Petri began dismantling the civilian teams that reviewed the archives of the Armed Forces. In July, the 2010 resolution that had created the working groups to contribute to cases of crimes against humanity was repealed. On August 14, Milei closed the Special Investigation Unit (UEI) into the disappearance of children during the dictatorship. This unit operated within the National Commission for the Right to Identity (CONADI) and had unrestricted access to all archives held by the State.


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