In this dossier we present a compilation of articles published in the Socialist Ideas of Chile supplement with analysis, debates and a balance of the rebellion that shook Chile since October 18, 2019, putting in check the neoliberal legacy of Pinochetism in the country.

We publish this special issue of Socialist Ideas five years after the popular rebellion of 2019. Five years of debates in a framework of ebb and passivization under which a broad campaign has been carried out, especially by the dominant classes and their intellectuals, of discredit and demonization. However, they are years of lessons, learnings and conclusions, which, far from any resignation, demoralization or confidence in some “lesser evil”, must give way to taking the learnings and facing these discourses from a critical perspective, debate, elaboration and organization. .

With this, we propose to favor the recovery of Marxism in the 21st century, seeking that the “weapons of criticism” allow us to contribute to revolutionary thought and action.

In this number:

• Five years since the rebellion: we will not capitulate to those who want to rewrite history. By: Dauno Totoro.

• Revolt and revolution. Regarding the “October theses” by Rodrigo Karmy. By: Fabián Puelma.

• Assemblies and forms of organization “from below” during the rebellion. Between autonomy and institutionalization. By: Pablo Torres.

• Marx 5 years after the Rebellion: on the relevance of the Circular of 1850. By: Zonyko.

• Debate forum 5 years after the revolt. Between institutionalization and conservative reaction

• In this issue we also publish the book Rebelión en el oasis, published by Editorial Ideas Socialistas in 2021, about the 2019 rebellion addressed from different political, historical and strategic problems. A book written by protagonists of the class struggles in 2019 during the rebellion.

International / Spanish State Edition / Sebastián Piñera / Pinochet / Chile / #FueraPiñera / Popular rebellion in Chile


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