Minister Caputo, after announcing the fall of the fiscal package of the Omnibus Law, reconfirmed that the adjustment goal agreed with the IMF remains. As January closes, with strong inflation hitting the pockets of the vast majority, there are sensitive items such as canteens, which depend on the Ministry of Human Capital, which do not record disbursements of money by the State. Presidential spokesperson Manuel Adorni had announced a cut of $8.3 billion and 758 layoffs, and a second wave of cuts of $25 billion to the portfolio headed by Sandra Pettovello.

The data comes from the official page of the national budget updated as of January 28. Some items destined for education also show zero execution. Like the Conectar Igualdad program or the Student Scholarships that have registered a commitment of only $20,000 for January, something like 3 kilos of meat.

The Government has just lowered withholdings for large exporters with the fall of the fiscal package but maintains the brutal adjustment on retirees, delegated powers and privatizations. Measures in sync with what is required by the IMF. The payment of debt services represents the largest proportion of budget execution during January, 35.16% of the jurisdictions’ total expenses. At the same time, uncertainty is growing among the majority who see their income cut.
In that sense, yesterday the university community and state workers came out to complain after the Central Bank’s measure that canceled the advance of funds for the payment of salaries. After the strong claims, the Government today reported that they released the funds, however, state employees and teachers will be waiting month by month for the National Treasury to allocate the funds in a timely manner for the payment of their salaries.
Milei’s adjustment had a first response with the strike on January 24 where more than one and a half million people mobilized throughout the country. Meanwhile, neighborhood, cultural, environmentalist and women’s movement assemblies emerge that call for mobilization this January 31 when the Chamber of Deputies will begin the treatment of the Omnibus Law.
We must mobilize massively against this law, the DNU and the repressive protocol. The CGT and the CTA have to call again for a national strike, as well as the Student Centers to call for assemblies and mobilize. Greater coordination to defeat the adjustment that Milei proposes not for the caste, but for the great majorities.
Source: www.laizquierdadiario.com