Javier Milei repeats himself. This Thursday, in Rosario, within the framework of the event for Flag Day, he rehearsed again a forced speech about national history, full of absurd parallels, intended to justify the adjustment policy that it has been carrying out. In the height of simplification, he presented Belgrano almost as a libertarian.

At the same time, attempting a speech that would dialogue with the anti-Buenos Aires or anti-centralist sentiment that exists in important sectors of the so-called interior of the country, he presented the hero as someone who had “defied the orders” of Buenos Aires.

In the speech, Milei celebrated the approval of the Bases Lawwhich was guaranteed with a fierce repression that left hundreds injured and 33 detained, 5 of whom are still imprisonedaccused of very serious crimes without any basis.

In his speech, the president called again for the “May Pact”. Although, in another of the bizarre things that mark this administration, he proposed it for the July 9, in Tucumán. The call, however, was much broader and more diffuse than in the original version. It was a call that included “the general population,” in addition to mentioning multiple institutions.

Antes de Milei The mayor of Rosario, Pablo Javkin, and the governor of Santa Fe, Maximiliano Pullaro, had spoken.. Both They vindicated the militarization policy of Rosario with which they agree with the national government and, in particular, with Patricia Bullrich. In fact, there were direct thanks to the Minister of Security. This policy has proven completely powerless to combat the scourge of drug trafficking, which hits the city hard.

However, the praise They were accompanied by complaints. In the case of Pullaro made explicit the request for “infrastructure works”, at the same time that he repeatedly spoke of “federalism.” This, however, was done in framework of reclaiming the wild fit that is carried out at the national level. “We are going to accompany development with fiscal balance as we have always done,” stated the governor.

A little early, Different social, union and political organizations mobilized to reject the presidential visit. Among other issues, They had demanded the release of all the people detained in the repression of the Bases Law. At the same time, they repudiated this norm that implies enormous attacks against working people.

Source: www.laizquierdadiario.com

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