The call denounces the brutality of the military actions of the State of Israel, which is committing a massacre, causing more than 7,000 victims so far, of which more than 1,500 are boys and girls. We must take to the streets in support of the people of Palestine. From 4 p.m. we meet in Plaza Congreso and at 5:30 p.m. a document will be read.
We must take to the streets in support of the Palestinian people, to repudiate the massacre that the State of Israel is committing. A massacre that has already caused more than 7,000 people to die in Gaza, including more than 1,500 boys and girls.
Denouncing this situation, the slogans of the call in the City of Buenos Aires are:
-Stop the genocide of children and the Palestinian people.
Mobilization is called by a wide range of organizations. Among which are the Federation of Argentine-Arab Entities (Fearab); Federation of Argentine Palestinian Entities; World Council of Churches; Islamic Center Argentine Republic; Fidai; Arab culture club; CTA CABA; NATIONAL CTA; UTE; Emcf; Serpaj; PTS; ES; PO; MST; NMas; MTL; CCS-We resist fighting; Che Pibe Organization; Quebracho; Evita Movement; PC.
Solidarity with the Palestinian people grows around the worldwith massive mobilizations ranging from New York and London to Jakarta and Istanbul. The rejection grows and becomes powerful. We must join this enormous international fight. We have to be in the streets this Friday, from 4 p.m., to be part of the tide that says NO to the genocide that the State of Israel is committing. you have to be.
You may be interested: In New York, London and the whole world marched against the massacre in Gaza
You may be interested: In New York, London and the whole world marched against the massacre in Gaza
International / Palestine / State of Israel / Zionism
Source: www.laizquierdadiario.com