After the uprising of the camp of the security forces of the province, the government was betting, together with the union bureaucracies that signed behind the backs of all the workers of Misiones, lower salaries, that everything would diminish and the province would calm down. It was no wonder, a province surrounded by marches, roadblocks and camps that show the great social inequalities. Millionaire politicians like “the Rovira Boys” and all their political staff, along with the big businessmen of wood, weed, tea, tourism and tobacco on the one hand, and thousands of teaching, health and student workers. for the other. A handful that get rich from the work of others on the one hand and thousands who make the province move, on the other.
Days before the “march for Peace” of former Governor Rovira and political leader of the renewal front for harmony, there were complaints of pressure from the government to participate in the march, with extortions of taking away their jobs, of not moving to permanent plant or not giving them the job they were waiting for. To make matters worse, after the mobilization that brought together some two thousand people whose enthusiasm was zero, the government stopped many of the interior from using the buses and they had to turn to other means. The striking thing is that the word “Passalaqua” did not even exist on a sign. Everything was “Rovira”. If you don’t like my internal ones, I have others.
March towards the governorate of Misiones pic.twitter.com/yF7sB2nFqs
— La Izquierda Diario (@izquierdadiario) May 30, 2024
While this was happening, the provincial police that had already negotiated with the government began to issue eviction orders to the roadblocks in the interior, being able to evict some with “saturation” operations (taking a lot of police) and under the watchful eye of the Gendarmerie. National. More sung than ever, it was written, the police after singing “unity of the workers” began to repress the teachers.
Threat of eviction of missionary teaching at the San José Bridge. The same police that until two days ago said they were with the teachers, are now willing to repress the struggle. This is how they repudiate him when they finish reading the eviction order.
📹 @NewsAlem pic.twitter.com/FgRXShxxuG
— La Izquierda Diario (@izquierdadiario) May 30, 2024
Far from all these pressures, threats and eviction orders, the teaching force made itself heard. A massive march toured the city of Posadas, along with students and health workers. One fact, the families of the boys and girls at the Misiones public school support their teachers. They bring them warm clothing, food for the camp’s now famous stew, and they move with their sons and daughters. Another fact, with the levels of job insecurity, the “Uber motorcycles” show solidarity with their work tool, going around the camp in solidarity.
— La Izquierda Diario (@izquierdadiario) May 30, 2024
Between today and tomorrow there will be several meetings with different teaching sectors to try to unblock the conflict that has been going on for months with a huge strike that paralyzes the province, and to which new sectors such as health and university students have joined. The union bureaucracies that negotiated behind the teachers’ backs have new calls.
Today, May 31, as the teachers were informed, “a technical salary meeting will be held between the Minister of Finance Adolfo Safrán and a team with fellow technical representatives of the organizations in struggle within the framework of the Roundtable of Unit, made up of the Multisectorial composed of MPL, SELF-SUMMONED 100%, SELF-SUMMONED FOREVER, ATE AND SIPASE with the FTEL.”
The FTEL, the front of the education workers’ unions of the fighters, also achieved an important meeting to be held tomorrow in the town of ElDorado, where the strongest cuts occur on Route 12, in which they also participate of teachers, social organizations, rural workers, from different sectors and from indigenous communities and small producers. The claim to the government will start from recognizing the FTEL as an interlocutor to discuss salary and working conditions, the urgent return and liquidation of all the days of strike that the government illegally discounted and a salary increase to the level required by teaching. Also, the urgent annulment of all the cases that the Rovira justice system began to bring against dozens of teaching fighters.
Meanwhile in the Senate, it is not only the repudiated Bases Law that brings with it a brutal labor reform, retirement reform and attacks on democratic rights, but also the tax reform package, which is part of how they are financed and the adjustment to the provinces.
The forces are enormous to succeed. The Passalacqua government that applies the Milei and IMF adjustment in the province and lends its deputies and senators to the national government for the vote on the Bases Law, wants to twist the arms of the teachers. Teachers have nothing to lose. Coordination is needed, which in fact occurs in the streets and camps, of all the sectors in struggle and the imposition of a provincial general strike not only to achieve all the workers’ demands, but to end a political regime of hunger and misery in Misiones. The CTERA and UDA at the national level must call for a national strike in solidarity to not leave this fight isolated, which is the example for the rest of the country’s teaching profession. Solidarity is organized from the schools in different provinces, with contributions to the fight fund and messages of support, which are promoted by the SUTEBA Multicolor such as Tigre, Ademys, Amsafe, and the national current April 9-the brown one throughout the country. , collected for the fighting fund.
These enormous struggles show the way. Many provinces can be infected by this fighting spirit and governments are afraid of that.
Source: www.laizquierdadiario.com