He DNU 70/23 by Milei serves to attack the constitutional right to claim. To try to prevent the working class’s right to stop. This was confirmed by the DOTA collective company, which sent its workers a statement appealing to this unconstitutional rule to try to break the strike this Thursday, May 9.
In the statement, it is noted that “the activity of the public land transportation service is declared by the National State as an activity of “transcendental importance”, finding us obliged to comply with FIFTY (50) percent of the services (article 97 of DNU 70/2023) so, in the event that our staff decides to adhere to the force measure, we urge you to do so by safeguarding a reprogramming of the service diagrams that allows us to comply with said minimum services.
The company appeals to a part of the DNU that is suspended by judicial resolutions. That is, it appeals to a tool that has no legal validity. A completely illegal tightening.
The tightening is completed with the threat of discounting the day not worked. The statement says that “the day not worked will be deducted and not paid as part of their salaries, as well as that in the event that they do not adapt the modality of the measure to the possibility of being able to comply with the aforementioned minimum services, the corresponding summary. We invite you
Therefore, to adapt their behavior so as not to unnecessarily harm the user public.”
An “invitation” that is a true extortion.

Source: www.laizquierdadiario.com