The left presents candidacies for mayor that will occupy workers, women and youth. In Palpalá, Julio Mamani (worker of Aceros Zapla and current councilor) and in San Salvador the economist and teacher, Gastón Remy (current councilor). In the branch, the teacher Miguel López for Libertador Gral. San Martín; in San Pedro, the worker dismissed from La Esperanza, Silvio “Choper” Egüez and in La Esperanza, the teacher Abel Arroyo. In the Quebrada and Puna by Humahuaca, the teacher Miguel Guzmán and in La Quiaca, the student Gabriel Alancay. In Perico, to Ivan Pérez.
In deputies they go for the objective of ending the privileges of traditional politics and defending each claim of the working people against the adjustment. The list is headed by Gastón Remy, Natalia Morales and Miguel López. For constituents, they will fight to stop each measure against the right to protest promoted by the official project and will have a woman, Natalia Morales, at the head of a list seconded by Sebastián Copello and Gloria Zambrano.
For councilors, in the capital, heads the young student and benchmark of the Pan y Rosas group, Keila Zequeiros; in Palpalá, Elías Ortega, student and precarious worker; in Libertador Gral. San Martín, the teacher Luis Guerra; in San Pedro, the university professor Natalia López, in La Quiaca, the professor Jessica Chauque; in Humahuaca, Alfredro Ayarde and in Perico, Manuel Sánchez.
The left that comes from making history with the entrance of Alejandro Vilca to the National Congress after the support of more than 100,000 Jujeños, bets on more. Recover seats in the Legislature to have a consistent opposition and develop the organization of the working class, women and youth, to turn the province in favor of the majorities. To do this, they propose measures that provide for the control of the working class over the wealth that exists in Jujuy, such as those derived from the exploitation of lithium based on social needs.
Next Monday, April 3, they will hold a press conference together with the pre-candidates for president for the PTS on the Left Front and the Unity Workers, Myriam Bregman and Nicolás Del Caño, where they will present a program with the main measures of government to transform Jujuy by and for the working majorities.
Source: www.laizquierdadiario.com