If we review the political events that were harmful to the Government of Javier Milei during this year and peak management, a slightly strange regularity is repeated in the way of interpreting them. A somewhat rare way to value how important they are in the dynamics of the government.
Before going the facts with what I would like to illustrate this statement, I make a general consideration: the interpretations of political events, the readings that are imposed (using surveys or opinion studies) and that become predominant in the public debate in the public debate , they try to be “performative”, that is, they seek to influence the discussion. There are no “innocent” readings, there is no exact science that can quantitatively capture the political moment, the emotional state of a mass of people counted by millions. There is bias and only in its gross more versions, such as the one we saw in Jonatan’s interview with Milei, that is, people who trades their opinions to the highest bidder; but also to the looks that are presented as more “impartial.” All participate in the political struggle and have ideological motivations. Every forecast is political. Of course, if the forecast is very close to reality, well, it falls by its own weight, but the facts and interpretation of the facts also configure a battlefield.
Now, let’s argue with a fairly widespread line in many interpretations. When the massive mobilizations and university shots took place, it was very repeated that Milei had been wrong because in the frame sensitive cable ”of the institutions that society values and considers them as their own (we are talking about public education) and that should not have attacked universities. Some of these issues also said from this space, but the difference is that we did not consider that they were “non -forced errors” independent of a political and even ideological economic orientation that is convinced that public universities are part of the problems and the “expenses “That you have to adjust. Then there were comings and turns, advances and setbacks based on recognizing a certain relationship of forces, but the logic that guided the government was that and not an “error” ou “excess.”
When Milei made his ultra -reactionary speech in the Davos forum against diversity, against homosexuals, etc.; We listen to similar proposals: how can it be that I go out with that speech when it came well, when in “the economic things were going well or even when I was doing right things in that field”? For example, those who said that an adjustment was necessary or evaluated disinflation as an isolated or independent element of the media (the phenomenal cut of income or an artificially ironed dollar that in the medium term is unsustainable). In an article published in the newspaper profile, I argued with this interpretation and affirmed, synthetically, that the “social war” of the “cultural battle” could not be separated. The “model” of society proposed by Milei (and that is common to all radical rights) must necessarily lie about the most reactionary ideologies and require a “war of values”, a new moral-wareness that goes against everything Collective form of expression or manifestation, or even life option. Then, again, it was not a mistake or, in any case, it was an error located.
Well, now with the #Criptogate, the scandal for the scam promoted by the president with the lie that was to “anchor Argentine SMEs,” goes into the resemblance. Several surveys already circulate in which the coup received by the Government is evidenced (many people believe it was wrong, many others do not believe that the president did not know or that “he was not internalized”), but, at the same time, he repeats himself The statement that ensures that it does not affect it substantially from the political and even electoral point of view.
I take a reading (from a survey) and only as an example. The Poliarquía consultancy published an opinion study that had closed just on Friday in which Milei published the pound tweet. That is, the data were previous and, according to this work, very favorable to the government. In the publication report, the people of Poliarquía wrote: “Thus, this survey confirms what we point out in our report last Friday (hours before cryptogate): the government had been going through a very favorable summer in economic, political and support terms Social, while the president committed excesses and transmitted nervousness to the markets. If the main diner will eat them at ease or kick the table. ‘
I think this is a sample of what I had been saying. Not because the data is necessarily bad or manipulated, but because the interpretation ensures that every stern wind came, “the delicacies were served” for government and “out of nowhere” kicked the table. The implicit message in this type of readings is that Milei “corrects the error”, takes up the course, and nothing has happened here.
The truth is that (as in the previous events), the “error” (which was) was inscribed in a dynamic, had motivations that settled in the enclosure in which the economic program is to show a perspective beyond the deflation That, at the same time, it has a very obvious side B (there is still inflation, the cost of living is high, the ironed dollar causes shortage of currencies, etc.). In this context, Milei’s despair for showing that “investments” arrives in the electoral year pushes to promote the lúmpes that designed the crypto Libra.
Isolating each “error”, encapsulating it and separating it from a general dynamic is to be too benevolent with the government and does not contribute to giving fundamentals to the possibility of defeating its wild plan. On the contrary, he tries to demoralize: nothing affects him, he can go well.
I remember that something similar happened with Macri in 2019, always the positive image did well. He did what did nothing affected him. Well, it went. And I do not say that the data is forced, the processing of political facts in massive terms sometimes takes time (it also passed with the Olivos party under the government of Alberto Fernández).
Finally, this look is also condescending with those who hold Milei by action or omission of facing him in the streets.
The reality is that it was a sum of errors that are part of a general dynamic of a government that is very offensive at the same time with multiple fragilities. And this turning point can be a good time to face it, defeat it and put everything under discussion.
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