• The support obtained by the Government in the Chamber of Deputies for the Decree of necessity and urgency that enables him to negotiate with the IMF was a relief for Javier Milei and Luis Caputo. An agonized triumph. Like many of those who have been having this administration that, when things are complicated, is rescued by “the caste” of serial collaborators in Congress. The number was also very fair: 129 votes in favor, even less than when he managed to approve the famous Base Law, that law of laws with which he is advancing in his counter -reform plan.
  • Now, let’s look at the limits. Although the figure is a bit threshing is the one that corresponds to this moment: the reality is that it was a “pyrric” triumph. In politics, it is often used that is the king of a region of ancient Greece (Pirros) that won some battles against the Romans, but with a very high cost for his own army. “Another victory like this and I will go home alone,” they say the guy said.
  • And it is no accident that the “pyrric triumphs” are permanently repeated in politics, because we live a time of weak hegemonies or impossible hegemonies (I say in traditional politics) in which the “armies”, that is, governments, political coalitions and their parliamentary representations are fragile “by nature.” Then, in each battle “they are a little life”, they lose allies of those circumstantial majorities they knew how to win to win the elections, but that do not have the same strength to govern, etc.
  • But, now let’s analyze this “pyrric triumph.” The government came out desperate to look for the endorsement for an agreement that is not yet closed (a month ago he had said that everything was ready) because the hurry of a “mini-corrida” that implied the increase in parallel dollars and the bleeding of 1000 million dollars from the Central Bank. And he did it through a method, the DNU, which, according to all opinion studies, is rejected by a large majority of society. In fact, it is not ruled out that a part of the loss of image of Milei (data that many surveys are also marking) corresponds to a certain republican base that does not like these methods.
  • Because, let’s see, Milei is installing – for the route of the facts – a kind of regime of “plebiscitary authoritarianism” (typical of authoritarian regimes), but through an even more anti -democratic way because it is not that it summons a plebiscite for this subject, but that it emits decrees that later puts them to consideration of the congress and for whose validation it reaches with a minority of one of the chambers. It was already said a thousand times: in Argentina it is more difficult to approve a law than to sustain a decree, but in addition, the content is not discussed: it is a yes or no. At most it is rosque before with methods of “black parliamentarism”, in the back that something is added or drawn, but not if that facade wants that many times is the discussion, it is forced to vote for itself or not. Without content to discuss, the deputies make their circus with boludes, because see who is more loyal to whom, etc.
  • Second, the parliamentary guarantee occurs in the middle of other defeats or setbacks. Because, let’s see, what happened in the street was a defeat of Patricia Bullrich. Some even speak that it was displaced from the operational direction of the deployment of Wednesday due to the repercussions and consequences of the wild repression of the previous week. In fact, the “antipiquetes protocol” was not applied that supposedly prevents cutting the streets because the police were the one that cut everything. Despite the campaign of fear installed since that day in the stations of, the police seals, the threats, the mobilization was made and was very important. What demonstrated the street is that fear was lost.
  • Thirdly, this parliamentary rescue occurs when due to a combination of facts that come from the case $ LIBRA (the cryptophawal of which Milei was central), some say from Davos’s speech (which caused a massive march of convened by the movement of diversity), to repression of retirees, the support of the fans of the clubs, the problems of an economy that does not recover etc.; The image of the president, of the government management has been deteriorating. For some this fall is more pronounced, for others not so much, but the meaning is clear.
  • That is, in the economy the deflation (compared to the defection of all these years) is no longer the only variable. Soon we will go for the year and a half of Milei’s government and it is expected that “the growth expert with or without money” shows other results that are not arriving. Also because deflation does not notice, among other things, for the loss of income, but also because the formula with which INDEC arms the baskets is 20 years ago and the composition of consumption greatly changed.
  • In fact, in this field of the economy these days again gave the sensation of a certain chaos (which increases the dollar, which the bonds fall). The macroeconomic order of which the mini-corrida starts the minister of economy was seriously questioned and suggested that there may be a devaluation. The subject is how and when.
  • All this discomfort ended up impacting to the dome of the CGT that summoned the third general unemployment against the government. Sure is a unemployment to decompress and then they will sit down to negotiate yours; Try to become something else, but the symptomatic thing is that they had to summon it.
  • Finally, there is the issue that this “triumph” was to have your hands free for a secret agreement with the Monetary Fund. That day there was a pathetic, but funny exchange among the influencer Fran Fijap that tweeted that “there is IMP for a while” as celebrating the agreement, and the fat dan replied “Borrá that blown up.” Of course, because, ultimately, the triumph is for a rescue that can imply bread for today and a disaster for tomorrow, as practically all the agreements with the fund that will impose conditions that will push Milei to face the Argentine people. So, of course, little and nothing to celebrate.
  • Now, this is observed if we look at government problems. But government fragilities do not solve by themselves the problems or challenges of those who pretend not to limit their triumphs to be “pyrric”, but to propose a strategic defeat. What we are describing are the conditions that make the fight possible, but do not replace the fight. It is important to account for the setbacks of Milei, but more important is to build our progress.

  • Source: www.laizquierdadiario.com

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