Economy and work have agreed on Monday that the reduction of the working day is approved in the Council of Ministers next Tuesday “by way of emergency and respecting the text of social dialogue,” explain sources from the ministry directed by Yolanda Díaz. The Minister of Economy, Carlos Body, had already advanced this morning that he foresaw that the reduction of the working day to 37 and a half hours could be approved in the Council of Ministers next Tuesday, February 4.
The confirmation of the agreement within the Government, between PSOE and Sumar, took place in the Delegate Commission of the Government of Economic Affairs (CDGAE) that has been held this afternoon. Work sources celebrate that the rule is approved “as the second vice president, Yolanda Díaz, had raised from the outset. That is, respecting the text signed with the CCOO and UGT unions, as well as by the emergency route.
In work they considered this second element key to ensure that the reduction of the day is in force in 2025, as agreed by the two formations of the coalition in the government agreement. “The reduction of the working day is one of the main measures that fought to add to include in the government program with the commitment that it was approved in this year 2025,” stand out from the Second Vice Presidency.
“It was important that this discussion is brought precisely to the organ [la CDGAE] where the ministers with powers in economic matters are present, ”Carlos body had affected this morning. The head of Economy admitted that one of the issues that this Delegate Commission of Economic Affairs would address was whether this project will be processed ordinary or urgently.
Now the parliamentary procedure remains
On the other hand, Carlos Body has underlined Monday the need to guarantee that agreement also in Congress, with a parliamentary majority. The unions have expressed that they are aware that the text signed with the Government – of which the businessmen were caught – may undergo some change in the parliamentary process, but claimed the Executive to approve and defend the agreement reached.
As for the letter registered by the CEOE in which he denounces the unconstitutionality of the reduction of the working day, the Minister of Economy has insisted that the important thing is to help companies in this process so that the project is “a guarantee and a success”.
For the government, “it is essential to be able to combine two elements: an ambition in the conquest of social rights for workers and a balance in the design of the norm itself, so that this right is guaranteed without this implying an element Negative for SMEs, ”concluded the head of Economics.
As the CDGAE has confirmed and Carlos body anticipated with his statements, the end of the internal conflict within the Executive for the reduction of the working day, which stirred the coalition at the end of the year. Work and economy approached positions in the middle of this month of January, after a meeting between ministers Yolanda Díaz and the head of Economics. And this Monday, in the commission to digire body with the economic ministries of the coalition, the differences are terminated.
The next step, once the draft law is approved in the Council of Ministers, will be the negotiation in the Congress of Deputies so that the legislation reaches the Official State Gazette (BOE). A task that was already provided complicated, but it seems even more after the parliamentary defeats of last week, which knocked down the rise in pensions and the rest of the Omnibus decree.
Source: www.eldiario.es