“It is 8 kilometers to Yuto and we do not have 24-hour assistance”, “We need an ambulance”, “The economic situation of each one is not so favorable as to be able to go by remis”. Neighbors from the town of El Bananal tell a reality that is opposed to the advertising fantasy of the radical government of Morales, where everything is presented as improvements and progress.
Located in the department of Libertador San Martín, on the banks of the Piedra River, El Bananal does not have the basic health service to treat diseases that continue to affect a population in the 21st century. Tuberculosis cases without the possibility of permanent treatment for a disease that had been eradicated at the beginning of the 20th century. “We are very clear that tuberculosis infections are the product of poverty and poor nutrition,” denounces Natalia Morales, a reference for the PTS in the FITU, with anger that can be seen in her eyes.
In the area of Yuto, Caimancito and El Bananal, the farms of landowners who own fields of bananas, oranges, avocados and other fruits proliferate. All for export, but the wages of the harvesters are $2,000 a day, which lasts between 10 and 12 hours. “When my daughter was hospitalized, she asked for money, the weekend was discounted and there was nothing left.” The basic basket is above $180,000 per month. Once again, the “reality” of the Peronist and radical rulers has short legs.
A few days ago the farce of the governor setting up equipment for the inauguration of health centers prior to the elections became known. In towns like El Bananal, they do not have infrastructure, equipment, or medical personnel to care for the inhabitants. A situation that is repeated in Libertador San Martín, in Yuto, in Fraile Pintado.
It may interest you: The Governor of Jujuy inaugurated a hospital and when he left they dismantled it
“They helped me a lot in the community of El Bananal” explains one of the neighbors, referring to her neighbors who organized themselves to collect and help the families that the State leaves abandoned.
This Sunday are the elections where once again it is put at stake if the wealth of the province continues to be that of the big businessmen, or accompanies the project embodied by the Left Front with Alejandro Vilca: “Jujuy is a rich province with poor workers It cannot be allowed that while businessmen take millions of dollars, exploiting our lands and natural resources, hundreds of thousands have no guarantee of health.Taxes on large fortunes are necessary, as well as the nationalization of lithium under the control of users and workers, which would allow us to have the resources to have a health system that provides answers to all the working people”.
Source: www.laizquierdadiario.com