The session to reject the DNU 846 to exchange debt in dollars without the requirements of the Financial Administration Act, it fell for the second time due to lack of quorum. The venue board showed 120 deputies present, 9 were missing to reach quorum.
Los governors played again to prevent the deputies who respond to them from going down to the premises. Both of those framed in what was Together for Change, as in the Union for the Homeland. They excuse themselves that there is a promise that comes from Casa Rosada to call extraordinary sessions to finally vote on the 2025 budget. At the close of this note, that information is still It was not made official. But it is not the only reason: parliamentary sources who closely follow the negotiations of the Executive Branch with the provinces, recognize that The governors are already negotiating “specific agreements” with Milei officials to guarantee resources through other means.
This time, what changed was that they did not adjourn early. It was possible to see who were absent from the premises. Of the blocks that drove the session, Union for the Homeland, Federal Meeting and the radicals of Democracy Forever, all had mistakes.
Union for the Homeland It gave a quorum with 93 deputies out of a total of 99: missed 6. They were again the 4 Catamarcans who respond to Governor Jalil (Ginocchio, Avila, Nóblega and Lopez), Daives of Santiago del Estero led by Zamora, and Bertoldi of Neuquén. In Bertoldi’s case, his closeness to the governor of his province, former MPN “Rolo” Figueroa, is suspected. The names and provinces of those absent who frustrated the previous session are repeated.
Federal Meeting from Pichetto contributed 9 of its members. 7 were absent: Morchio from Entre Rios (Frigerio), Avila from Chubut (Torres), the 4 Cordobans who respond to Governor Llaryora, and Lopez Murphy.
The radicals of Democracy Forever They contributed 7 and they hit the foul 5. They were not on their benches: Rizzoti who responds to the governor of Jujuy (Sadir), Giorgi from Santa Fe on the side of governor Pullaro, Aguirre from Corrientes de Valdes, Polini from Chaco from Zdero and Antola from Entre Rios.
Acevedo de Santa Cruz did provide a quorum, but his colleague Garrido, who responds more directly to Governor Vidal, did not.
Of the Left Front Unity Nicolás del Caño, Christian Castillo, Alejandro Vilca and Vanina Biasi were present. Deputy Mónica Schlotthauer was absent with notice due to a delicate health problem.
As expected The session was boycotted by La Libertad Avanza, the PRO and the UCRalthough this time they had some “waywards” who decided to give a quorum. The former libertarian Lourdes Arrieta He sat on his bench. They were also in the premises Álvaro González of the PRO; and for the UCR, Julio Cobos and Fabio Quetglas.
By decision of their governors, others who refused the quorum were the three former Union for the Homeland from Tucumánand all the Federal Innovation Block (Salta, Misiones and Rio Negro).
Of the Civic Coalition They were divided: only Maximiliano Ferraro and Mónica Frade had a quorum. Its other four members did not.
The negotiations that continue between the Casa Rosada and the governors of the different blocks show that the interests that are at stake and under discussion are limited to the resources that the provinces want to secure. They do not even question the adjustment to pensions, to universities, much less the payments of the debt with the IMF. What’s more: many of those who promoted the failed session agree with the content of the DNU that gives free rein to Luis Caputo to renegotiate debt in dollars according to “the market dictates.” The strategy of the blocks that promoted the session was to pressure the government to vote on the 2025 budget. The thing is that in one of the articles of the “law of laws”, the Executive Branch included the same content as DNU 846 for the exchange of debt. Many of them would vote in favor of that article if the budget moved forward.
In the next few hours, the Casa Rosada should confirm whether or not it will call extraordinary sessions, or if the governors are going to be content with negotiating the resources for their provinces on their own.
Source: www.laizquierdadiario.com