It was this Tuesday in the Commissions Plenary of the Chamber of Deputies And there were moments of Maximum tension for freedom progresses. The debate advanced and the firms did not appear. The government only began with the support of PRO and other related allies, the Civic coalitionlos Radicals with wig (Arjol and Monti) and the Missionaries that respond to the governor Passalacqua. Just a while before starting the plenary the Cordoba that respond to the governor Lol. After receiving a call from the Casa Rosada. But the ruling party was still far from its objective and was in danger The only topic that matters to extraordinary sessions. Since the beginning of the debate in commission they bleached that they gave up the project presented by the Executive Power with 64 articles that contained a broader electoral reform: that there is private funding without limits, cut of public financing, eliminate the presidential debates, the elimination of the step , among other points. This Tuesday they presented an opinion of just 4 articles for suspend the step only in 2025. La Libertad Avanza had to give in because several of his firmer allies (such as the PRO) were not willing to accompany him throughout the proposal.
Los First to appear to save the government of failure were deputies and deputies of Union for the country. It is that by the regulation of the lower house so that a majority opinion is valid, half plus one of the members of the plenary of commissions firm some opinion is needed. The deputies of Union for the homeland of Santiago del Estero went out to the rescue of Libertad advances: Daives and Herrera They presented a minority opinion. As the magic number was not yet reached (58 signatures in total in some opinion), Then the Catamarqueños de Unión by the homeland were added: Ginocchio and Nóblega They added their own to the minority opinion of their block colleagues. In both cases they are deputies who respond to governors of Union for the country: Jalil of Catamarca and Zamora of Santiago del Estero.
Still There were 2 “hooks”and ended up contributing to give triumph to the government The Cordoba Soledad Carrizo of the UCR and Agost Carreño of the Pichetto blockalso of that province that signed the opinion of the ruling party but in dissent.
La Libertad Avanza suffered until the last momentwith negotiations involved, but finally the suspension of the Paso is going to be treated in the enclosure this Thursday at 12 noon. From the UCR there were complaints that the government did not call them to negotiate during these weeks, they said the same from the ranks of Cordoba Peronism.
He Left Front He flatly rejected the government’s agenda in the extraordinary and denounced that nothing is directly affecting working majorities. On the suspension of the step, Nicolás del Caño said “It’s all verse based on perpetuating Milei’s political force”. Christian Castillo He added “Each firm to the opinion is a signature in the plan to strengthen Milei in their attacks”. A message to all the blocks that ended up helping freedom progresses. The left was the only bench that rejected the agenda of extraordinary in the beginning and clearly said that they were not going to accompany the suspension of the primary.
From Union for the Homelandthe head of the block Germán MartĂnez He made a speech on the government, especially claiming that the 2025 budget is so that Milei does not make discretionary use of the funds. Peronism had had its block meeting the previous night where they had reached a single point of agreement: not quorum or in the enclosure or commissions. “If the libertarians want to advance the same, that they get them alone (with their” friends “) the firms for the opinion and the quorum to meet” The official tweet said in the social network X. But finally it was not what happened: There were 4 union deputies for the country (with 5 signatures) who gave the Government the key To enable the treatment of the step. With this panorama, it cannot be ruled out that in the vote of the enclosure there is a dominoes of union votes for the country in favor of the government.
When the government still had no signatures, Germán MartĂnez denounced La Libertad advances “They are making impressive pressure, an infernal tightening about different deputies to achieve the firms they need.”. With the Monday diary, it was also a message for its own block. The chief of the liberty block advances, Gabriel BornoroniI immediately cross out to answer him “It’s all false, align your block first”.
The radicals of Democracy forever They remained firm in the Commissions Plenary and did not contribute any signature to the Government. But in the enclosure they will contribute votes in favor of the Government to suspend the step. Another sector of Federal Meetingled by Pichetto, did not accompany the government in the commissions: Stolbizer did not contribute any firm and Massot was absent. Several of its members do not agree to suspend the step as the Socialists Santa Fe, MonzĂł and LĂłpez Murphy.
He Thursday will be the session in the enclosure. Most blocks have divisions inside, because to define the future I pass them They send the territorial rules that are different in each province. Then he will have to go to the Senate. If approved, it would be a sign of the Congress that will help strengthen Milei in its attempt to move forward with a more anti -democratic political and electoral regime as demonstrated by its most comprehensive project so that only parties can compete with financing without limits of large entrepreneurs.
Source: www.laizquierdadiario.com