The ongoing attack on the Ministry of Justice turn on all alerts. The Government seeks to advance in the dismantling of places essential for the preservation of collective memory, attacking their workers and going further, announcing closures of entire spaces such as the Haroldo Conti Cultural Center or leaving workers without workers “Virrey Cevallos” Memory Space (clandestine center that was an Air Force base of operations). These are attacks that add to the almost total closure of the CAJ (Access to Justice Centers) that worked throughout the country.
In the face of an offensive of such magnitude, those of us who defend the flags of memory, truth and justice are called to do our best, so that the deniers do not get their way. We have the challenge of launching a great campaign that seeks the unity of the workers of the Secretariat of Human Rights and the Ministry of Justice with the entire sector of society that has said ANYMORE! to the dictatorship and its atrocities. With this objective in mind, some debates are opened about what strategy we workers should give ourselves.
Of methods and forces
From the Brown Classist Groupwe believe that this fight has to have the full role of its workers, regardless of their affiliation, debating in assemblies and deciding the steps to take, organizing commissions from which the different voted initiatives are promoted and a large fighting fund to support the comrades fired and everything that the fight demands. We see in the fight that the workers of the Hospital Bonaparte a great example of what a decisive fight against the government’s attacks can provide, in a combination that included forceful measures, such as the occupation of the hospital as well as the search for greater solidarity from neighbors, assemblies, patients and other sectors. This fundamental action showed determination and transformed the workplace into an organizational center. In the case of the Sites of Memory, His defense also has great social support that we have to take advantage of in our favor in this fight.
We are clear about the role it has been fulfilling UPCN It is simply complicit with management. His leadership has done nothing but remain silent in the face of layoffs, extortionate voluntary retirements and salary reductions in the Ministry. Faithful to its tradition of not calling assemblies, it divides workers from the same organization.
Against all types of divisions, it is essential to guarantee the unity of the workers in struggle and seek the active participation of those who want to confront this attack. For this, it is essential to convene bodies where forces can be concentrated, so that they do not disperse and wear down the conflict.
If on January 2, the essence of the attack was concentrated in the Secretariat of Human Rights due to its social and media impact, the call should have been concentrated there, calling on the entire Ministry to approach the ESMA and make there a great assemblyso that each worker can give their opinion, participate and vote on the measures democratically. Divided agendas or with multiple actions per day and decided without consultation threaten mass participation and dissipate forces.
Fight the division that is imposed within one’s own ATE It is essential. As in so many fights that took place this year, we must once again insist that there is no place for internal disputes between leaders when jobs and the defense of the Sites of Memory are at stake. This division is expressed in the inability of the conduits of ATE Capital (Catalano) and ATE Nacional (Aguiar) to coordinate the most basic common fighting actions. Once again, the organization from below and in assembly will have to overcome and gain strength to impose common actions of struggle.
In the face of attacks, will the ballot box save us?
“With the leaders at the head or with the heads of the leaders” It is one of the expressions that has been heard the most in recent months after a year of layoffs, adjustments and conflicts. The silence and complicit passivity of the union leaders in this first year of the Mileist government generates more and more rejection and anger. Added to this is the demand that Peronist leaders also speak out against these attacks and support the actions of the workers, an issue that has not occurred so far. However, with what is at stake right now, The response of those who call themselves opponents of the government is not up to the attack.
The refusal to organize resistance to this government, having thousands of workers organized in hundreds of unions and with a huge sector of society that defends the flags of Human Rights and did not vote for either the adjustment or the advance of denialism, only explains why the strategy is different. The methods and actions they propose to confront this offensive reveal that everything is based on a electoral exit towards 2027 to return to the Government, on the scorched earth that the libertarian experiment will leave behind.
On the other hand, those of us who are committed to organizing the resistance today and cannot wait three years to recover our work or avoid the advance on flags that cost so much, what is the struggle like? for the memory of the 30,000. We understand that it is necessary for the entire sector of society that is against the adjustment in progress to be able to express itself in a large front of struggle, in the streets, in their workplaces and their neighborhoods, articulating and coordinating actions between workers, neighborhood assemblies, student centers, the women’s movement and Human Rights.
The demand for a strike and a fight plan is not just a matter of words that are shouted into a microphone and then blown away by the wind. A strike by the state, the organizations and unions of the CTAcould be the kickoff for thousands to be part of these struggles that are developing today, to actively get involved in a great national and international campaign in defense of Human Rights, as the workers of Sitios de Memoria propose, with a large assembly in the Plaza de Mayo to defend the popular conquests and the flags of Memory, Truth and Justice.
Source: www.laizquierdadiario.com