The national deputy of the PTS-Frente de Izquierda accompanied the mobilization of aeronautical workers in front of Congress, where a protest is taking place against the privatization projects of the flagship airline. “We accompany the workers inside and outside Congress,” he said.

This Wednesday at noon the national deputy of the PTS in the Left and Workers’ Front Unity, Nicolás del Caño, was interviewed by journalists from LacaStreamThe legislator was in the Plaza Congreso, while he accompanied the protest of workers from the aeronautical unions who gathered to repudiate the privatization projects Argentine Airlines which began to be discussed in the Budget and Finance and Transport Committees of the Chamber of Deputies.

Del Caño’s definitions

  • We are supporting the workers of Aerolíneas and also holding a debate within the committee regarding this privatization proposal, which is actually the excuse that sectors that have been supporting this idea for a while have put forward, but in the middle of a conflict where the workers are being extorted.
  • Their salaries are almost frozen and they have lost about 80 points in real terms. The wage claim is now taking place in a field where the Government is taking advantage of the situation to attack the workers’ achievements, to propose moving forward with the privatization of Aerolíneas Argentinas.
  • If we take what happened with the Ley Bases, the House of Representatives voted in favour and the Senate modified it and the privatisation of Aerolíneas Argentinas was left out. But we must also take into account that there are deputies who turn around when the Government offers them different things. That is why the fundamental thing is in the organisation, in the struggle of the workers and the entire population.
  • One sees that certain media outlets are trying to get passengers to denigrate Aerolíneas workers, and many of them respond and explain why they support the workers’ claim and why Aerolíneas Argentinas should not be privatized. This shows part of the reality that they are trying to hide, which is the support of many users for the struggle that the Aerolíneas workers are waging.
  • We know the experience of the privatization of Aerolíneas, which meant a drain. They received a company without debt and left it in debt, with only one of thirty planes remaining. It was a complete dismantling that left an enormous debt for the country. The workers and the people recovered Aerolíneas Argentinas at that time. Obviously we have enormous points of difference with those union leaders from many unions. In fact, we have been supporting the struggle of GPS, the main outsourced company of Aerolíneas, where the workers have been fighting against the dismissals and very little has been done by certain unions to support them.
  • We all have to be united, not to argue against this idea of ​​privatization that they want to propose. Because we are going to be left without connectivity in many cities. They are already cutting those routes as a result of this policy. It is false to say that ‘if privatization is done there will be more connectivity’, that is a lie. The routes that companies do not consider profitable will not be covered.
  • The explanation that many workers are giving to the community, to the population, about what is being discussed and why these arguments are totally fallacious is very important.
  • If the Government goes ahead with the Aerolíneas issue, it will score a point towards being able to propose the privatisation of other state companies. That is why the demand of Aerolíneas Argentinas, as well as that of retirees, the demand of universities and many other sectors of workers, both state and private, against the loss of jobs and the fall in the purchasing power of wages, must be a unified struggle. This is the demand that we have been making to the trade unions, that they call for a real plan of struggle and a national strike. Not an isolated measure. We must call for a national strike and unify all the measures.
  • All the polls, even the most pro-government ones, agree on a drop in support for the Government. Because many people who voted for it expected the adjustment to be paid for by the caste, and the adjustment is being paid for by the working people. Is the retiree who earns 300 thousand pesos caste? Is the Aerolíneas worker who earns 700,000 pesos caste? Well, that is really what people are seeing, a total scam on the part of Milei. And that is why many are beginning to withdraw their support. Faced with that, the union leaders should be at the service of the working people. We need to impose it, because we know that is not the interest of many leaders.
  • It is a government that operates through vetoes and decrees. Two laws from Congress, the pension and the university, only because they do not like the vetoes. And that is going down badly. The public university, public education, is a value that is very important for the whole of the Argentine people. That is also making a dent in that support that Milei had, perhaps, in the first months.
  • Why, instead of not giving the increase to retirees, do they not take it away from the big businessmen, the millionaires of Argentina, who received the benefit of the reduction of personal assets that is equivalent to the increase that was going to be given to seven million people? The personal assets of the 100,000 richest people in Argentina are reduced to practically zero, and retirees are denied an increase that, in reality, is very modest and does not solve the underlying problem.
  • The problem is not only with this government, it has been going on for a while. The adjustments that took place during the governments of Macri and Alberto Fernández, including the veto of the 82% mobile rate by Cristina Kirchner. But this government has worsened not only the situation of retirees but of the entire working population, with the rate increases that are unaffordable.
  • Politics / Parliamentarian / Nicolás del Caño / Aerolíneas Argentinas / Aeronautics / Privatizations / Aeronautical workers / Javier Milei


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