The deputy of the Left Front questioned the Chief of Cabinet in the session of the Lower House where Milei’s minister presented a management report. “How many officials, like you, come from the previous Peronist administration?”, he asked him, denouncing that Milei “filled his Government with caste.”

This Wednesday the Chief of Staff and Minister of the Interior of Freedom Advances, Guillermo Francosprovided a management report in the Chamber of Deputies. In turn, the different blocks asked questions, some of which were answered by the official.

In his speech from the bench of the Left and Workers’ Front Unity (FITU)the deputy of PTS Nicholas del Caño He made a series of questions and considerations before Franks.

Del Caño’s words

  • First I want to ask you a situation that I believe is far from what you describe and more than five million people live there Retirees those who earn the minimum and also those who earn a little more. More than seven million retirees who have been victims of the adjustments of all governments and of this government too.
  • Do you also think, like the president? mercythat the purchasing power of retirees ‘flew’ during these months of government? I want to ask you this because It is totally false that has grown purchasing powerbecause if we take the first seven months of this government and compare them with the previous year, there were a loss of 30 points in real terms of the purchasing power of retirees. These are data from the Congressional Budget OfficeThat is why retirees continue to mobilize every Wednesday, as they did against all governments.
  • Us We opposed the adjustments of all governments and from there we speak. Today we will also be accompanying them, as we did last Wednesday when they were brutally repressed by the minister Bullrich.
  • Bullrich sent to the Federal Police to repress those who have worked all their lives and who Today they will be claiming again.
  • Your government has vetoed a law that amounts to a modest increase in pensions. I brought you a croissant so you can see. This is what the increase in the law that you vetoed with the president is equivalent to. Javier Miley. A croissant per day for less than a month.
  • Also I want to challenge the other benches of deputies, if they are really going to sit down to insist on the law or are they going to be accomplices in continuing to starve retirees. Because, in addition, this government has limited the possibility of obtaining 100% coverage for many medications for millions of retirees.
  • I want to ask you, Minister, How many days do you or any member of your cabinet think you could live a month on the $300,000 you earn? more than five million retirees (if we consider the $70,000 bonus that was frozen). How many days? Ten, eleven days would be enough? I want you to answer me.
  • Secondly, I want to make a point, because this Government came saying that it was fighting ‘the caste’, etc. In addition to adjusting to the working majorities and not to the caste, he filled his government with more caste. For example officials like Patricia Bullricho Federico Sturzeneggerwho were part of the government of the Alliance (which we know how it ended) and the government of Mauricio Macri. This is now the third government they have been part of. And by the way, they always have the habit of making adjustments to retirees, They choose as enemies those who have worked all their lives.
  • But there are not only officials from Macri’s government, but also from the government of Alberto Fernandez. Sciolifor example. And in his case, he was also a political official of the government of Alberto Fernandez and many others too. I wanted to ask you How many officials holding political office today come from the previous Peronist administration? Do you have the information? I think it is important to know it, because There was a lot of talk against the caste but it is tailored to the retirees and the people, not to the caste. And in addition, the Cabinet and the entire Government are filled with caste. mercy.

  • Politics / Parliamentary / Socialist Workers’ Party (PTS) / Deputies / Nicolás del Caño / Retirements / Retirees / Chamber of Deputies / Javier Milei / Left and Workers’ Front – Unity (FITU) / Guillermo Francos


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