The deputy of the PTS-Frente of the Left denounced that the government of Milei and Caputo uses funds from the ANSES for the financial bicycle while ending the retirement moratorium affecting millions of labores. “Women who turn 60 will not be able to retire,” he said. Watch the video.

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The deputy Nicolás del Cañoof the PTS-fituin Wednesday’s session he asked for the floor to raise a privilege motion. Here your considerations.

  • “This privilege motion is against President Javier Milei for a very sensitive and very important issue, which affects millions of people in our country: the end of the retirement moratorium next March.”
  • “In the month of March, for example, people who do not have thirty years of retirement will not be able to retire. The women who turn sixty, who are the current retirement age of them, will not be able to retire. They will have to wait until 65 years old to access the senior adult pension, which is equivalent to 80 % of a minimum retirement. ”
  • “We are at the gates of a reduction for the next retirees and retirees of 20 % of assets. A 20 % adjustment of the minimum retirement, which is already a shame what retirees and retirees in Argentina charge. ”
  • “It is a very serious problem. And it occurs in the framework that older adults have been the main victims of Javier Milei’s adjustment, they have reduced drug coverage. The policy that this government is carrying out is criminal. ”

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  • “While the retirement moratorium was a patch, where the load is put with the quotas that have to pay these workers, when the responsibility is actually from the State and the entrepreneurs who did not make the retirement contributions for years and years for that these people can have a retirement; This issue seems crucial to me and it is something we have to lead to. ”
  • “Here, in (sessions) extraordinary, they deal with any chance issue, oblivious to the interests of millions and millions that have been suffering from labor precariousness, hunger retirements and will not be able to access a retirement.”
  • “And this also occurs within the framework of the recent expulsion of the head of Anses, the Heros, because he said they were going to make a pension reform. Milei says “no, we are going to make a pension reform, but also a labor reform.” But it is not with the labor reforms that they propose to continue taking rights, the slave labor reforms, as the issues will be resolved; but formalizing all workers, who are registered, managing to restore the employer contributions that it reduced (Sunday) Cavallo in the 90s and that they never restored to the levels of 33 %. And taking the measures so that retirement coverage is for all workers who have been victims. ”
  • “85 % of people of retirement do not have thirty years of contribution, mainly women who, in addition, are suffering this rise in retirement. And above (Luis) Caputo, the Minister of Economy, is using the resources of the guarantee and sustainability fund, which is the silver of retirees, to buy bonds, to sustain the government’s plan. They are spending the guit of retirees! We already saw it, he already did when he was Minister of (Mauricio) Macri. And he puts someone who was part of the investment funds as Owlto which Caputo gave the credit to a hundred year. That is the people who are in front. ”
  • “We want to raise as a priority agenda the need to give this solution and we will continue to accompany the huge and heroic struggle that retirees give every Wednesday. Today at 5 pm we will be accompanying retirees and retirees and in each of the fights that are given ”.
  • Politics / Parliamentary / Deputies / Nicolás del Caño / Anses / Retirements / Retirees and Retirees / Chamber of Deputies / Luis “Toto” Caputo / Javier Milei / Moratory


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