The leader of the Left Unity Front appeared with a clear denunciation against the adjustment policies, subordination to the Monetary Fund and attempts to regiment social protest and the right to strike.
Tik Tok
On this social network, the greatest viralization was from the FIT-U candidate, Myriam Bregman. Her intervention on Milei’s anti-caste lie, at the time of writing this article, has 550 thousand views and 55 thousand likes. She also uploaded clips responding to Massa and against resignation, about Milei’s machismo and with the opening video adding more than 200 thousand views. In total it has more than 750 thousand views and 70 thousand likes. In total he added more than 2500 followers
In second place was Massa, who uploaded 6 clippings of his presentation and promises on each topic (economy, education and human rights), an intersection with Bullrich and a summary where he tries to contrast his proposal with that of Bullrich. In total it has 130 thousand views and 17 thousand likes.
In third place was Milei, who has two accounts that add up to more than 3 million followers. In each account he uploaded two videos about the pope adding in total 100 thousand views and 16 thousand likes.
Bullrich decided not to upload any intervention while Schiaretti does not have an account.
In this social network Javier Milei. He decided to upload 13 different Twitter surveys where he was the winner, totaling 300 thousand likes and a photo in the debate. He added 6 thousand followers.
Myriam’s case It combines two photos in the debate and similar interventions on its Tik Tok social network with a total of 150 thousand likes. Additionally added more than 12 thousand followers until the closing of this note.
For his part, Massa uploaded the same interventions as on Tik Tok, garnering less than 60 thousand likes, while he increased 5 thousand followers.
Twitter trends, reactions and memes
Myriam continues to be TT number 1 for her different interventions. Furthermore, within the trends there were “cute cat” y “lazy corner”.
On the other hand, several of Myriam’s interventions had a great impact. Some of them were that of the brother of Sergio Maldonado, Diana Mafia for education and ESI, Gustavo Pecoraro, Claudia Piñeiro, Emmanuel Horvilleur, Griselda Siciliani, Pablo Alabarces, Candelaria Bottoamong others.

As cannot be missed, there is also a festival of memes that Nicolás del Caño synthesized in this post.
The left in the media
In relation to the media, the good interventions of “the Russian” had a high impact. We can see some of the most relevant ones here:
On C5N’s tik tok, the intervention exposing the anti-caste nature of Milei’s cuddly kitten has more than 50 thousand likes and 1 million views (the highest of all uploads by C5N).
Two videos also went viral on TN, one against the teachers and the other against the “cuddly kitten”, adding between the two 1 million views and 40 thousand likes. We can also see different coverages in Clarion y The nation.
With respect to The Daily Left Complete militant coverage could be seen reflected on all social networks that included interventions, crosses, memes and repercussions.
The candidates who supported Myriam
Among the different FIT-U representatives who supported Myriam in the debate we can find several posts uploaded by the vice candidate Nicolás del Caño. Particularly in his tiktok against Massa for his intervention against the teachers, which has more than 140 thousand views and 22 thousand likes, and also against Massa for his complicit role with the Macri Government with 60 thousand views.
Also in the preview, Alejandro Vilca, candidate for national senator in Jujuy, could be seen and after the debate
“Chipi” Castillo, candidate for national deputy for the province of Buenos Aires, shared a photo having breakfast with Nico and Myriam, while Patricio del Corro, candidate for national deputy in CABA, shared several posts on his Instagram. In the case ofAndrea D’Atri, candidate for legislator in CABAsupporting and further developing gender gap intervention.
These are some of the hundreds of FIT-U worker candidates who showed their support for Myriam Bregman.
Final comment
Evidently Myriam was a sensation on the networks. It is notable that she generates much more empathy and represents the majority of workers better than the adjustment candidates. Perhaps, as she says, it is time to vote for convictions instead of choosing resignation.
Source: www.laizquierdadiario.com