In the last few hours, the Ethics Committee of the Radical Civic Union proposed the expulsion of the three deputies baptized as “radicals with a wig” (Mariano Campero, Luis Picat and Martín Arjol) for supporting Milei’s vetoes for pensions and university financing. . Quick on reflexes, the president summoned them to the Casa Rosada to share a meeting during noon this Thursday. Finally, the meeting was held with the participation of thirteen deputies from the UCR, including the president of the block Rodrigo de Loredo.
According to Campero’s statements, the initiative was worked on between Patricia Bullrich, Martín Menem and the head of the UCR block. “We have been playing with the Government. We are all going to come together and we undoubtedly want to be part of that force because, at this moment, we must deepen this change,” said Campero. The statements make it clear that there are many more radicals in wigs than are usually recognized in public.
For his part, Martín Arjol pointed out: “Part of the bloc believes that we must accompany the Government. It is a desire for change that we feel in our provinces. “What will be done going forward will be discussed, whether it be the formation of an interblock or more forceful support.”
Upon leaving, De Loredo made clear his positive vision of the meeting and highlighted “the generosity” of Milei and the gratitude he showed them for having accompanied many of the government’s initiatives. When asked about the possibility of an electoral alliance towards 2025, he assured that “nothing was said about the electoral issue”, something that Campero did publicly acknowledge: “We have thrown at them [la posibilidad de una alianza de listas]. In my case, I was a candidate with Patricia Bullrich, we came to Congress and, from the first minute, the five of us have been playing with the Government.”
From Loredo being From Loredo.
He is happy to be Milei’s number 1 doormat. https://t.co/VmHDR3Fnzb— Nicolas del Caño (@NicolasdelCano) December 26, 2024
Nicolás del Caño, deputy of the PTS and the Left Front, came out to strongly oppose De Loredo and the radicals with a wig through his social networks. “From Loredo being From Loredo. “He is happy to be Milei’s number 1 doormat,” he said.
The meeting not only reaffirmed the support of this group of UCR legislators for the policies promoted by the Government, but also left more than raised the possibility of an agreement for the 2025 elections. And it adds greater tension in an internal situation that It deepens with the sector that responds to Martín Lousteau (current president of the party), promoter of the proposal to expel the radicals with wigs. “I take it as a cucarda, a prize, that the selfish and loser Lousteau wants to expel us. It’s hot because the President is doing very well,” Campero stated, imitating the miléista tune and rhetoric.
Beyond the nuances between both sectors, the rapprochement of De Loredo and the other 12 radical deputies is the consequence of a year of explicit collaboration of the entire Radical Civic Union with the Government and its policies of adjustment and delivery. It is enough to review the fundamental role that Lousteau played in the approval of the corrupt Bases Law in the Senate, since without his presence the necessary quorum would never have been achieved to enable its treatment.
However, the meeting and subsequent statements seem to begin to outline new alliances and possible agreements with the upcoming legislative elections in mind.
Source: www.laizquierdadiario.com