On Thursday night Manuel Adorni, the government spokesperson, released a statement stating that the definitive elimination of the Undersecretariat for Protection against Gender Violence was resolved. A direct attack against public policies that seek to provide a response, even if it is elementary, to cases of violence and discrimination based on gender or sexuality. The government makes this decision one month after the triple lesbicide that occurred in Barracas, where both the Executive and the Justice Department deny that it is a hate crime.
We must respond to this permanent attack on us. On Wednesday the 12th we have to be in front of the Senate repudiating the misogyny expressed in the Bases Law, the fiscal package, and in all these measures. Let’s go back to the street. https://t.co/AMDmC0k9rx
— Myriam Bregman (@myriambregman) June 7, 2024
The arguments that the government maintains are based on the “efficiency” of the State and that after an audit it was concluded that in said area “there was a clear overlap of functions with different government agencies that are dedicated to the same task.” Lack of papers when since December there have been layoffs in the telephone lines for cases of violence, such as 137, which depends on the Ministry of Justice itself.
On Tuesday, the day after the mobilization for Ni Una Menos, it became known that the official plan of 500 layoffs in the Undersecretary of Protection against Gender Violence. In the midst of the treatment of the Bases law, which fully attacks the rights of public employment, and the new threat of carrying out around 50 thousand layoffs throughout the State against contracted workers.
They don’t care about the fiscal deficit. They want revenge. Not against the K. Against the women’s movement that was the only one that was in the streets during the Macri and Alberto governments.
The only one who did not sit down to negotiate with these subhumans.
All on the 12th to Congress.
We will win💜 https://t.co/DtxwoHND5k— Andrea D’Atri 🍉✊🏾 (@andreadatri) June 7, 2024
In May, said undersecretary moved from the Ministry of Human Capital to the Justice portfolio commanded by Cúneo Libarona. Since December, those who work in the area have denounced a lack of public policies that address problems such as gender violence. On Thursday morning, the until now Undersecretary of Protection against Gender Violence, Claudia Barcia, announced her resignation and assured that the Secretary of Human Rights, Alberto Baños, had told her that the area was going to cease to exist.
The measure is in line with the reactionary discourse of Milei and its spokespersons such as Nicolás Márquez, who intend to present as “privileges” the rights for which the women’s movement and sexual diversity activism mobilized for years to respond to discrimination. with public policies that include attention to victims of sexist violence or the transvestite job quota. Attacks against a movement that showed its ability to achieve conquests by mobilizing massively, within the framework of the dissemination from the State itself of hate speech that later materializes in crimes such as those in Barracas.
From the workers’ plant of the former Ministry of Women, Gender and Diversity they assured on Tuesday in a newsletter that: “With a violent policy of quarterly renewals, hundreds of our colleagues were fired between last December and March (…) Today public policies that the portfolio continues to be responsible for in compliance with current regulations, such as the Comprehensive Protection Law to prevent, punish and eradicate violence against women in the areas in which they develop their interpersonal relationships (Law 26,485), the Access Law to Formal Employment for Transvestites, Transsexuals and Transgender People “Diana Sacayán-Lohana Berkins”, the Gender Identity Law (Law 26,743) and the Micaela Law (Law 27499), are increasingly emptied as a result of budget cuts that deliberately the government took over so that nothing achieved by the feminist and women’s movement is sustained.”
These are areas that under the Frente de Todos government had been suffering from a lack of budget and cuts. Now Milei, which denies the structural inequality that women and LGBTIQ+ people go through, directly eliminates them by reproducing and legitimizing said discrimination.
Upon hearing the news, the leader of the PTS/FIT-U, Myriam Bregman, said: “We must respond to this permanent attack on us. On Wednesday the 12th we have to be in front of the Senate repudiating the misogyny expressed in the Bases Law, the fiscal package , and in all these measures. Let’s go back to the streets. It is necessary that the union centers, in the context of the crisis that the government is going through, call for a strike and mobilization in view of the treatment of the Bases Law that condenses all the claims of the majorities suffering from the crisis. To confront each of the reactionary attacks and the entire adjustment plan that Milei applies together with the governors.
Source: www.laizquierdadiario.com