Photographs: Vierja-ph
With dozens of assemblies, participation in cacerolazos, and multiple artistic initiatives in the streets and on the networks, culture is fighting against the Milei Omnibus Law which, together with the DNU, devaluation and tariffs, poses a brutal adjustment to the sector .
In particular, this Law raises the closure of the National Arts Fund together with the National Theater InstituteFor this reason, on Saturday hundreds of artists and cultural workers participated in this mobilization.

During the tour, neighbors joined in, forming a massive column, where they heard loudly “Milei, trash, don’t touch the culture”, “Unity of the workers, and anyone who doesn’t like it gets screwed…” and chants against Protocol and adjustment. On the way there were applause from the balconies and honks of support.

Present at the march were artists and references such as Marta Minujín, the writer Liliana Heker, the actor Diego Velázquez, the theater director and régisseur Rubén Szuchmacher, the actor Osqui Guzmán, the writer Luisa Valenzuela, Delia Cancela, Andrea Garrote, the artist Luis Felipe Noé, Emilio García Wehbi, Alejandro Tantanian, Maricel Álvarez, along with hundreds of creators from all areas, students and teachers in the sector.
Prior to the mobilization, the group United for Culture made a massive assembly with more than a thousand participants (in person and online) where a strong fight plan with cultural actions was voted on to strengthen the Strike on January 24. After the vote, everyone present also joined the mobilization.

Source: www.laizquierdadiario.com