After the scandalous arrest of Senator Edgardo Kueider at the border crossing with Paraguay became known, carrying 200,000 dollars without declaring, as well as considerable amounts in pesos and guaraníes, the former two-time president, Cristina Kirchner, rushed to try to disengage herself. of the same charging against Victoria Villarruel, current Vice President and therefore head of the Senate. The detail is that the Entre Ríos legislator entered the Senate as part of the lists of the Frente de Todos, as the Peronist list was called in the 2019 elections that was set up by Cristina Kirchner when she designated Alberto Fernández as a candidate for president. and herself as vice.
Kueider is one of the many Peronists “with a wig” for whom Peronism must respond. They are part of those who have been guaranteeing governability and the approval of multiple adjustment laws, starting with the Bases law itself. The recognition that Peronism is currently negotiating with Javier Milei and his government around political reform, the appointment of Judge Lijo to the Supreme Court or the approval of the Clean Record law in Congress are part of this network of favors and complicity behind the backs of millions throughout the country.
In this context, trying to avoid giving explanations, the former president denounced a “paid democracy” and accused Villarruel for the appointment of Kueider as head of the Constitutional Affairs Commission of the Senate of the Nation and entrusted, in what It was interpreted as a message to Villlarruel, not to act “distracted.” He also stated that “This is how votes are obtained for laws that harm the great majorities and the interests of the Nation; or the absences that prevent the repeal of the Decrees of Necessity and Urgency that condemn millions of Argentines to poverty or allow the Minister of Economy to put the country into debt again.”
Victoria Villarruel was quick to respond on the same social network: “Mrs. Gang Leader, to try to get dirty you have to be minimally clean and you are dirtier than a sewer. Senator Kueider entered your ballot, with his face next to it, and remains an affiliate of the party you preside over.”
The boxes full of undeclared dollars, carried by car by a senator who went on to vote with the ruling party on multiple laws, also clashes squarely with the libertarian story, which boasted of coming to confront the caste, but which has been supporting the “ old” policy of favors in exchange for votes, without much dissimulation. Let us remember, for example, the appointment of Lucía Crexell to the UNESCO embassy for her vote on the Bases law.
A scandal in broad daylight that splashes the entire political arc and threatens to expose more things to the sun – at the time of the closing of this note it was announced that Kueider himself would have crossed the border in this way at least six times last year -, what is clear is that while the ball is thrown between Victoria Villarruel and Cristina Kirchner, both avoid giving explanations in a country that today has millions of poor people, a product of the current government’s policy but also previous governments.
Source: www.laizquierdadiario.com