From the town of El Bolsónepicenter of a devastating fire that devastated with extensive forest areas and left more than 130 housing destroyed, the Minister of Security, Patricia Bullrichtogether with the Minister of Defense, Luis Petriannounced the creation of the Federal Emergency Agency.
So fast and furious to criminalize to the population that fights fires as slow to deliver resources. Over a month after the beginning of the great fires in the Patagonia that have more than 70.000 has razed with several interface spotlights, to which a huge fire is added in Corrientes With more than 100.000 You have devastated, the minister said they need an “effective and centralized response before these critical situations.”
As explained, there are currently twelve organizations that work in emergencies, which generates overlap and disorganization. However, at the end of last year, Bullrich put the National Fire Management System that only the 5.7 % of your budget. That is, it still has billions available for the fight of active fires. These resources have to be put in the hands of the brigades and the communities to deal with the critical situation.
Bullrich’s “solution”, on the contrary, is to create a new bureaucratic office to “do as they do” and return to blame innocent For the fires. The minister said that “the latter have been arrested today”, refers to the raids and new hunting of Chubut’s justice against members of the Mapuche community, after the scandalous armed cause against community brigades, which had to Be released after the audition last Saturday.
A circus, with the announcement of a new bill to harden penalties “for those who commit this type of crime.” However, The ducks that, according to the local population respond to Joe Lewisand they are filmed acting against those who fight the fire, they were never accused of anything. The crime then what is it? Turn off the fire? Defend the territory?
The deputies of Left Front Headed by Nicolás del Caño presented a project to repudiate this policy of criminalization and persecution, and this Thursday 13 are added throughout the country to the day of urgent action that demand resources already to put out the fire.
Source: www.laizquierdadiario.com