While the situation of urban passenger transport workers remains in suspense after the week of drivers’ strike, the government seeks to move forward, kicking the crisis forward.

The promotion of a “citizen participation” process, where 21 papers were presented, is an attempt by the government to give a democratic veneer to the increase in the urban ticket that it has in its hands.

In this sense, from the left benches in the capital council we present our own presentation where we raise a series of criticisms of the cost study and a set of proposals to overcome the current state of the urban passenger transport scheme in private hands.

The aforementioned cost study only has second-hand and incomplete information, as recognized by the accountant in charge of the analysis. In any case, when the information from the cost study is compared with the drivers’ complaints, it is seen how the employers expand their profit margins at the expense of the workers and to the detriment of the provision of the service.

We propose a series of measures to avoid the collapse of the public transportation system from continuing in private hands and helped by governments and are part of a fundamental fight for the nationalization of transportation under the control of workers and passengers.

Comprehensive audit of the companies’ accounting, working conditions and the situation of the service in general, carried out by workers and representatives of residents and students; monthly subscription to increase the number of users and lower the rate; that the income to the transportation system be to a single account of the national bank that is open to the public; These are some of the measures proposed in our presentation.

The annual subsidies received by the companies are equivalent to 89% of the value of the vehicles according to the information available in 2019. A collectivized and centralized system that unites all of Greater Jujuy (Lozano, Yala, SS and Palpalá) would allow the planning of the lines. , improvements and expansion of routes, renewal of units, implementation of subscription systems to make the passenger’s pocket cheaper and easier, integrated fares, and permanent control of workers and passengers to prevent the system’s surplus from filling the pockets of a handful of transport businessmen.

Nationalization can only be achieved with the organization of drivers together with their families, students and users, and taking to the streets as hundreds of thousands did in defense of the public university. For this it is necessary to demand that the unions, starting with the UTA, call assemblies to put in place a fighting plan until a fundamental solution is reached.

The fight for the nationalization of the urban passenger transport service is part of the general fight to provide a solution in favor of the majority to the crisis and the adjustment plan dictated by the IMF and which is executed by Milei and the governors of the UCR and the PJ in the provinces, where retirees, public universities and the working people as a whole, expressed in more than five million new poor people in the country, are attacked.

Here is the presentation presented by the block of PTS councilors in the Unity Left Front:

Presentation of the PTS block… by Guillermo Alemán

Source: www.laizquierdadiario.com

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