The multinational, which owns the Córdoba plant where workers are on strike, had a net profit of US$24 million in Argentina alone in the midst of the pandemic. The workers denounce that due to inflation the salaries are not enough, but the company refuses to grant any type of increase.
According to INDEC, the 1.5-liter “cola base soda” went from $150 in February 2022 to $340 last month, a rise of more than 125%, exceeding any parity and even more that of the water and soda workers who have not received increases since October and will only get a 16% rise in May. To face this situation the workers of the Andina bottling plant located in Córdoba began a plan of struggle to claim that inflation does not sink their income.
Andina is a multinational company of Chilean origin that has operations in its country of origin, Argentina, Brazil and Paraguay. In its last balance presented declare profits of more than US$ 150 million for the 2022 financial year and detail that in 2021 its operations in Argentina had net profits of more than US$ 24 million. However, they are opposed to granting compensation to workers that allows them to recover the loss due to the increase in prices in recent months.
In dialogue with the Izquierda Diario, an operator stated that “the company has been growing year after year. They are putting together new lines after buying the production of Ades. More and more work for less salary. Before it was enough, that’s why nothing happened, today we said enough is enough”. This Monday, gathered in assembly, the workers voted to start a strike and demand measures of effective struggle from the leadership of the Sutiaga union.
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The firm is in full growth. In 2022, the net sales of Embotelladora Andina increased by 20.2% above the average of 5% that it had been having in recent years, mainly due to the incorporation of new products. In May the corporation will distribute close to US$ 35 million dollars in dividends to its shareholders. Sales increase, they appropriate million-dollar profits, but workers’ wages are lowered.
Faced with the drop in income suffered by millions of workers throughout the country, the workers of Coca-Cola Andina are an example to follow. To prevent the costs of inflation from continuing to be paid by the vast majority, it is necessary to affect the profits of large businessmen..
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Economy / National Economy / Inflation / Parity / Wages / Coca-Cola
Source: www.laizquierdadiario.com