A recent study developed by scientists from Chinese People’s Liberation Army (PLA) suggests that Chinese submarines equipped with megawatt-class solid-state laser weapons could incapacitate satellites Starlink and SpaceX in case of threats to national security.

Published by South China Morning Postthe report describes how these submarines could operate, remaining submerged and using a retractable optoelectronic mast to shoot at satellites before re-submerging.

The research highlights the defense potential of these underwater laser weapons, increasing the ability to perform various military missions.

Wang Danprofessor of Naval Submarine Academycommented on the feasibility of producing and deploying laser attack submarines in multiple oceans to strengthen China’s defenses against military threats.

The study also highlights challenges for anti-satellite missions, particularly the difficulty of concealing such attacks.

Currently, surface-to-air missiles are the main method used to neutralize satellites, but this strategy faces significant stealth problems, as analyzed by the scientists involved in the study.

Source: https://www.ocafezinho.com/2024/07/22/china-prepara-submarinos-a-laser-para-derrubar-satelites-da-starlink/

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