An air-developed terrestrial drone in China has potential for future exploration missions on Mars, according to information released by the newspaper Science and Technology Daily on Monday.

Weighing only 300 grams, the prototype was created by the Harbin Institute of Astronautics School and has mobility characteristics on soil and autonomous flight, as well as resistance in adverse environments.

According to the report, the drone can roll on the floor, take off as needed, dodge obstacles and adapt to different land. The equipment also has the ability to transform its structure, assuming shapes such as double wheels or spherical shape. The inclusion of mechanical arms for specific tasks is also possible.

Zhu Yimin, a PhD candidate at the Harbin Institute of Technology, explained that the vehicle is controlled by a motor servant that allows the soil shift by changing the center of gravity, similar to the operation of a “Roly-Sho toy ”. During the flight, steering and stability control is guaranteed by a pair of counterrotative coaxial rotors.

To increase energy efficiency, the development team designed the drone in a modular and light way. In the ground, it can save energy by moving through a system that provides resistance six times larger than that of equivalent size drones. This configuration seeks to maximize durability and operating time, crucial aspects of exploration missions on Mars, where the atmosphere is extremely thin.

Zhang Lixian, a professor at the Astronautics School, said the earthly prototype has already completed his initial development phase. It is expected to exceed previously projected drones for Martian exploration in terms of functionality and resistance capacity.

Technical advances made by the research team include the integration of multiple models for different applications. In addition to space missions, drones can be used in monitoring, failure detection and maintenance in complex land, such as coal mines, underground pipeline and subway passages. According to Zhang, these applications expand the potential of equipment in building and exploration of underground spaces.

The development of this drone is part of China’s broader effort to improve technologies focused on space exploration and robotic engineering innovation. The project reflects the search for vehicles capable of acting in multiple environments, both terrestrial and extraterrestrial, with greater autonomy and energy efficiency.

With information from Global Times


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