This August 7th began with a religious ceremony at the Sanctuary of San Cayetano, in Liniers. It was headed by Jorge García Cuerva, archbishop of Buenos Aires, and Gustavo Carrara, vicar general and bishop of the slum. After blessing the tools of the UTEP, the columns began to form for the march that will take them to Plaza de Mayo.
The rally will also include representatives of the CGT, the two CTAs, and Peronist groups, in addition to the social organizations known as “cayetanos” (MTE, Movimiento Evita, CCC). The banner reads, as always, “Bread, peace and work.”
The march will be the first activity for some leaders of the CGT (and of some social movements) who have been hiding for several months, while the lack of bread and work grew, and the government had no peace with the workers and popular sectors that have been protesting against the adjustment.
However, the union and social sectors most closely linked to Peronism and the Church will try to turn the day into a message of protest against the policies of Milei’s government. That is why social movements that are not part of the UTEP or Peronism have been part of the call to the day, such as “Territorios en Lucha” (Territories in Struggle), which brings together many organizations that will be in Plaza de Mayo directly, with the slogan “Against Milei’s adjustments, for bread, land and work.”
Also present in Plaza de Mayo will be sectors of militant trade unionism and the left that have been part of the resistance to the austerity since Milei took office (and before as well). Among them are SUTNA (tires), AGD-UBA (which is starting a university strike) and other sectors.
From the Movement of Classist Groups, as Raúl Godoy pointed out, they will be with these sectors in struggle. “We denounce and point out the traitorous role of the union bureaucracy, and in the framework that there is no strike, nor forceful measures, we will accompany the sectors in struggle as is our commitment from the first day, to make our demands visible and raise the demand for a national strike and a plan of struggle on the path of the general strike to defeat the entire plan of the Milei government, overcoming the speculation of Peronism and the role of the related union leaderships that campaign for resignation,” said the ceramic leader this week.
Source: www.laizquierdadiario.com