Crsitina Kirchner reappeared in Quilmes with Mayor Mayra Mendoza, during the inauguration of the Presidente Néstor C. Kirchner Microstadium. 21 years after the 2003 elections that later ended with Kirchner’s arrival at the Casa Rosada, the former vice president during the Frente de Todos government took advantage of the occasion to give her first public speech since the inauguration of Javier Milei.
Questioning the current political and economic direction, Cristina insisted on the oft-repeated scheme of rescuing aspects of her past governments and contrasting them with the present, marking several criticisms that she defined as “empirical and not ideological.” He made the clarification several times, in which he made it clear that he does not believe “in this thing about the right and the left” just as he does not consider himself “neither a privatist nor a statist.” He emphasized precisely this to define Javier Milei as someone very dogmatic and remarked: “The president is very dogmatic, he wants to fit his head into the hat. Don’t make the head smaller, make the hat bigger. If he does, we will help him, no one wants things to go wrong for him. “If things go badly for you, things will go badly for all Argentines.”.
In this same sense, CFK insisted: “The president has to understand that he has to give this policy a shake-up” and questioned the fact that today there is not “a stabilization plan” as there was under the Menem governments, “with the convertibility”, and of Alfonsín “with the Austral Plan”.
To businessmen, with their hearts
In another moment of her speech, Cristina was in charge of highlighting that she is far from an “anti-business” view and got into the internal situation that the Argentine Industrial Union is currently going through, which has just published a harsh document on the collapse of activity industrial despite being commanded by Paolo Rocca, one of the most enthusiastic pro-government supporters of the moment. At this point he criticized the presidential speech on Monday for highlighting that “the recovery is going to come from oil, gas, mining and the countryside” and pointed out that “these activities are not going to generate enough work, and it is going to start to happen – or has already begun to happen – the other great phenomenon of Menemism, which is unemployment.
In addition, he specifically referred to the issue of prepaid companies and the case of Claudio Belocopitt in particular, about whom he said that he does not believe that they are “bad people” and he once again insisted on the idea of state regulation of the capitalist business as a solution. “When you are a businessman the only thing that matters is profitability and perhaps that is very good. I do not think they are insensitive, they are businessmen and the one who has to take the role there is politics and the State to establish a harmonious link in the society. Harmony!” he remarked.
An idea of state regulation repeated ad nauseam by CFK and Peronism and that has shown itself to be totally impotent, with a result more than visible during the last government of the Frente de Todos where social inequality continued to increase enormously. If the “Legitimacy of origin needs to be legitimized in management and results” as you pointed out and that It’s useless “if people starve when you’re the government”Peronism should do a deep review since His recipes proved to be completely unsuccessful in this area.leaving the government last year with a 41.7% poverty. Milei’s victory cannot be explained if the people had not starved during the government led by Alberto, Cristina and Massa. The timid regulations without intending to radically transform the structural conditions of the country or question the agreement with the IMF, the ownership of the banks, the large fields, the main sources of industry and foreign trade or strategic services such as energy and telecommunications They have already shown clearly which path they lead to.
The internal party of the PJ and a call to organize its ranks
At another point in her speech, Cristina Kirchner alluded to the current moment that Peronism is going through and criticized the attitude of some of its leaders. “You have to study, train and go out to discuss, but don’t bullshit.” And she pointed out against Andrés “Cuervo” Larroque – who has just made different criticisms against La Cámpora and Máximo Kirchner – although without explicitly mentioning it. “The leaders and militants have to be prepared. We can no longer go out to brawl or go to a TV channel to insult another colleague. This is not the time for reproaches, it is the time for reflection,” she said.

The message was not well received by other leaders who, internally, today are closer to Larroque and further away from MK. This was the case of Fernando Gray, mayor of Esteban Echeverría, and Juan Zabaleta, former community leader of Hurlingham, who uploaded a photo and video on social networks with an ironic message in which they questioned: “Soup again!”
Soup again!!! pic.twitter.com/d7pLGu22vV
— Fernando Gray (@fernandogray) April 27, 2024
Furthermore, throughout her long message Cristina He avoided mentioning the attitude that the union leaderships that are negotiating have been playing the adjustment with Milei, the Base Law that will be discussed this Monday the 29th and the different labor reform projects. An attitude complicit in the attacks, coinciding with the strategy of all variants of Peronism who seek to organize themselves internally thinking about next year’s elections, avoid street mobilization and negotiate the adjustment in parts, while opening the door to discussing part of the Government’s agenda in its advanced privatization and setbacks in terms of labor rights.
In that spirit, he once again insisted on the idea of ”seriously rediscussing education” and once again emphasized the problem of teacher absenteeism. “The other day I was listening to the governor of Santa Fe (the radical Pullaro) when he realized that he had a problem because he had 25% of resources that he allocated to teacher salaries that he was paying and that were not due to substitutions, licenses or whatever. “We have to discuss seriously because resources are scarce and if we don’t want to discuss, others come and argue from outside and from a filthy place.”
A recognition of the agenda of the entire right and mainly of the Government that seeks to hold teachers responsible for the situation of public education, while the different ruling parties have been cutting budgets in order to allocate greater resources to finance debt payments.
To think that the fault lies with the teachers and not with the governments that take money from education to pay the IMF, working two or three shifts with dozens of children, is attacking those of us who give our lives educating in very difficult social situations and with few resources.
— Federico Puy (@fedepuy) April 27, 2024
In order not to starve yourself you have to write another story
After his speech, the president came out to respond to Cristina Kirchner through his social networks. In a message on X He noted: “People are starving for the model that you defended for decades.” The message was in response to the former president’s statement, who had questioned: “60 percent may have voted for you, but if later people starve and are fired from work, what’s the point?”
The reappearance of CFK is seen in the ruling party as a opportunity to polarize again with her and take advantage of its greatest advantage, which is the economic, political and social disaster left by the Frente de Todos after governing for 4 years and managing the Macri legacy of debt and adjustment.
A functional agenda for the story of bothwhich establishes the discussion with an electoral tone and very far from seriously debating how to confront the Milei adjustment plan and above all how to build another relationship of forces that allows defeating the war plan against the working people and imagining another possible future.
Throughout these years, Peronism has demonstrated – with and without Cristina – its impotence to propose a different alternative to the adjustment roadmap ordered by the IMF and big businessmen. Far from that, it shows itself as a force conciliatory with economic powerwhich only has to offer some regulations and which promotes, as CFK itself said, harmony between the interests of the business community and society as a whole. A utopian idea that brought us here and that, in recent years, paved the way for the growth of the libertarian right like never before who is in government today.
For this reason, it is necessary to overcome the historical experience of Peronism and the idea of conciliation of class interests that it promotes. Far from taking sides in a discussion between “regulators” and “free market defenders”, the working class and popular sectors must fight to establish an alternative and powerful political force that questions the owners of the country and proposes a radically different solution to the crisis, putting as priority the interests of the vast majority of the population and not the profits of a handful of billionaires. In that fight is the PTS and the Left Front, organizing the resistance to Milei’s adjustment and the commitment to turn the page and start writing another story.
Source: www.laizquierdadiario.com