This Friday the Federal Public Revenue Administration (AFIP) issued an official statement in which it reported the replacement of Rosana Lodovico by the lawyer Eduardo Mallea in front of the Customs. According to the published text, the owner of the AFIP Florence Misrahi made the change “with the goal of professionalize, modernize y depoliticize the organization, and continuing with its restructuring plan.”

Salt Rosana
Lodovico had landed in the Customs in June 2022 as Deputy Director General of Metropolitan Customs Operations, below the hierarchical line of Guillermo Michel. Both are renowned slopes of Sergio Massawho at that time would arrive at the Ministry of Economy of the government of Alberto Fernandez y Cristina Kirchner. Just assumed the management of La Libertada Avanza, Michel resigned and the Libertarian administration confirmed Lodovico as his successor.
Earlier this month Lodovico was criminally denounced by the deputy Marcela Campagnoli from Civic Coalition. She is accused of having received in 2022 a loan of US$ 250 thousand of the company Promarlon S.A. , on whom a sentence for smuggling weighs. The case is being processed in the National Criminal and Federal Correctional Court 5 in charge of Maria Eugenia Capuchettiwho already ordered some evidentiary measures at the request of the prosecutor in the case Alejandra Mángano.
In Commodore Py An attempt is made to demonstrate that the loan received by Lodovico and her ex-husband Luis Bocassi It was, in truth, a bribe in exchange for favorable efforts in the Customs. It is worth saying that Bocassi He was also an official of the organization. AND Alejandro Lucanobrother-in-law of Lodovicois a partner of the judicial operator Alfredo Foodbrother of the federal judge Ariel Lijoproposed by mercy to integrate the Supreme Court of Justice to replace the future retiree Carlos Maqueda.
Promarlon S.A. was reported in 2017 by the same Customs, accused of obtaining smuggled merchandise from Paraguay before the “blind eye” of customs officials. Finally, this complaint ended in an “agreement” in which the company agreed to pay a kind of compensation, which in fact means having recognized the crime.
Enter the Mall
This Friday, when announcing the change at the head of the Customsthe AFIP introduced to the doctor Eduardo Mallea as “lawyer, graduated from the University of Buenos Aires and Partner in charge of the Department of Customs Law and Foreign Trade of the Legal Study Bruchou & Funes de Rioja ”. And he adds that “he was summoned by Dr. Misrahi to integrate your leadership team, in order to decide to make the AFIP a technical and non-political organization.”
That the lawyer, officially characterized as “one of the leaders in the field”, until yesterday has been one of the most important partners of the law firm Bruchou & Funes de Rioja It is not a minor fact at all. That law firm ravens of power is one of those accused of being drafters in the shadows of the so-called “tax reform” that mercy y Luis “Toto” Caputo They want it to be voted on in Congress along with the bill Base Law.
Precisely the tax professional Liban Kusa, partner of the firm and legal sponsor of several of the most influential corporations in the country, is the one who was most committed to drafting this anti-worker and anti-popular project. Something that in March, when his name came to light, generated noise not only in the law firm but in the same environment. Daniel Funes from Riojapresident in turn of the Argentine Industrial Union (UIA).
In interviews they did with him in those days, Funes de Rioja acknowledged that his law firm participated in “advising” the Government of mercy for the drafting of the fiscal reform package, which had initially been incorporated into the general text of the call Omnibus Law and was later removed by Caputo as a separate proposal.
On Thursday, November 30, 2023, days before the inauguration of mercy and well before there was talk of the Omnibus Law, Funes de Rioja also did statements that served as advance payment of their subsequent behaviors. It was during the 29th Annual Convention of the UIA where the priest of the industrial chamber asked the elected President a labor reform in favor of employers y the end of all types of control over price increases. Something that, needless to say, mercy he took himself very seriously from minute zero of his mandate.
But the approach to the libertarian government brought some problems to the power lawyer. Especially inside the Coordinator of the Food Products Industries (Copal), of which he has been the owner for 16 years. His partners in the food oligopoly questioned him for not having stood against the decision of Freedom Advances to enable the free import of products to “combat” inflation in the basic basket. The effect of these clashes was his retirement as president of Copal in April.
The recent appointment of Eduardo Mallea in front of the Customs seems to confirm that Funes de Rioja He decided a “personal” play in the midst of their institutional responsibilities. It is known that within the UIA There are also sectors that do not agree with libertarian policies, since they directly affect the interests of industrial exploiters linked to the so-called “internal market” in the midst of the economic depression and the sustained decline in consumption.
For the official version of the AFIPboth the designation of mallet in the Customs like the “restructuring” that has been carried out Florence Misrahi “are consistent with the guidelines defined by the President Javier Miley for the efficient reorganization of State agencies.” Efficient for whom? you might ask. The answer is easily guessed. For many “industrialists”, customs issues will no longer be a problem. Something that the massista could have guaranteed Rosana Lodovicoif that “loan” of a quarter of a million dollars at the hands of the convicted woman had not come to light Promarlon .
Source: www.laizquierdadiario.com