Cornejo from Mendoza, Frigerio from Entre Ríos and Pullaro from Santa Fe accepted the...
There was a time when guard duty meant remaining available for work. The professionals...
The lawyer from the Professional Center for Human Rights answers questions about the protest...
Photo: FOL Comunicación This Friday, shortly before noon, a press conference was held called...
The judicial front against the Catalan independence process is entering unknown territory. The Supreme...
Some questions about the Milei government that have a problem. Editorial of “El Círculo...
Interviewed by Gustavo Sylvestre on C5N, the National Deputy for the Left Front spoke...
This first of March Milei will speak before the Legislative Assembly. There are expectations...
The Supreme Court has decided to open a case for terrorism against Carles Puigdemont...
During midday on Wednesday, the Minister of Economy -Luis Caputo- and the head of...
The National government fired 160 workers from ANDIS (National Disability Agency). The notifications that...
The telephone taps ordered by the judge in the ‘Koldo case’ have allowed investigators...
The Government seeks to attack the pension moratorium and transform it into a subsidy....
En bloc movement of the defenses of the Tsunami case. Those investigated for terrorism...
Arcelor Mittal is the main steel producer in the world, it has a hundred...
Everything is Koldo García for the PP. The amnesty, the economy or the supposed...
Starting this Friday, fuel prices will rise by at least 3,8 % y 4,4 % at...
Neighborhood assemblies have played a prominent role in the first mobilizations against the policy...
The European Parliament has given its approval to the nature restoration law that the...
In a new chapter of the tension that the Nation and Chubut are experiencing...
José Luis Ábalos does not deliver his deputy record. The former ‘number three’ of...
The ruling party seeks to implement new criteria so that fewer and fewer users...
The Minister of Health, Mónica García, has proposed a horizon for the end of...
After 9 p.m. this Monday, February 26, with the presence of the governor of...
José Luis Ábalos is no longer president of the Interior Commission of the Congress...
Being a worker with children seems to be reason enough to be part of...
We could fill pages with palpable data on how the “chainsaw plan” is lived...
The mammoth decree law of administrative simplification of the Junta de Andalucía, validated in...
When he had not yet finished processing the visit of the IMF’s number 2...
Two months. It is the deadline, in principle non-extendable, that the European Commission set...
“Give Jaldo, you can do it,” someone tweets on Friday night. For those hours...
The health team and students from different universities who are active in the PTS...
In the province of Santa Fe, which produces daily headlines due to drug-criminal violence,...
In politics when you say ‘no’, you actually mean ‘maybe’. And when you say...
Lawyer Matías Aufieri, member of the Center of Professionals for Human Rights (CeProDH) of...
Expenditure on debt interest exceeded for the first time the payment of pensions, which...
To the sound of Andean music and with interventions by puppeteers, the concentration of...
Ignacio Torres attacked this Friday, from the box given to him by the general...
Red Focus Photos This Friday began fight plan announced on Thursday by dozens of...
At the feet of the IMF: Milei met with Gita Gopinath, the organization’s number...
The Government comes for everything and the response has to be of the same...
The Investigative Court number 20 of Madrid has opened an investigation after the complaint...
The Government of Javier Milei chose education as a target of attack. He lowered...
The judge of the National Court Santiago Pedraz has agreed to admit a complaint...
This Thursday marks twelve years since the Once Massacre. This is how the events...
The strike and mobilization of oil workers, to which truck drivers and construction workers...
National Congress. They demand that the government provide explanations for the situation at Conicet
National Congress. They demand that the government provide explanations for the situation at Conicet
This Wednesday, the board of directors of the National Scientific and Technical Research Council...
The Executive of Juan Manuel Moreno has agreed to modify the controversial article of...
This noon, at a press conference, Omar Maturano announced that the train strike continues...
At midnight this Wednesday the train strike called by the La Fraternidad union. It...