The representatives of Myriam Bregman (PTS-Frente de Izquierda) before the National Electoral Chamber demanded the immediate clarification of false information that circulated after the presidential Debate.
The representatives appointed by Myriam Bregman before the National Electoral Chamber to organize the mandatory Presidential Debates today presented a brief requesting that the electoral justice system issue “immediately a public clarification to make it clear that, within the framework of the organization of the Presidential Debate, “A minute of silence in tribute to the civilian victims of Israel was never proposed to the candidate Myriam Bregman or to anyone on her team.”as Patricia Bullrich, the presidential candidate of Together for Change, stated in a fallacious and slanderous manner.
Carlos Platkowski and Guillermo Pistonesi, representatives of Bregman, explained that as soon as the debate ended, some journalists began to circulate the false news that Myriam Bregman had refused to have a minute of silence for the civilian victims of Israel, when at no time That was even in discussion. Almost immediately, Patricia Bullrich endorsed that lie and coincidentally it began to circulate through all the media that respond to her, such as LN+, Infobae, among others.
In addition, they explained that they communicated with those responsible for the Bullrich campaign but “they decided to continue spreading the lie, as part of a dirty campaign against Bregman and the left. We also made a presentation before the National Electoral Chamber so that it fulfills its duty and clarify the truth immediately, because this is inadmissible and takes away the seriousness of the debate. “We are going to initiate the corresponding legal actions.”
Request for Urgent Clarification to La CNE by La Izquierda Diario on Scribd
Politics / Myriam Bregman / Patricia Bullrich / #PresidentialDebate
Source: www.laizquierdadiario.com