With 2.1 million passengers transported in November, the country records growth of 14% compared to last year
Brazilian civil aviation reached a new milestone in November, with a record of more than 2.1 million passengers on international flights. This number represents an increase of 14% compared to the same period in 2023, when 1.8 million people traveled abroad. The sector’s growth reflects the recovery of the airline market and the strengthening of Brazil as a tourism hub, connecting more and more people to the world.
For the first time in history, the country handled more than 2 million travelers in the international market in the month of November. The indicator continues to rise for the 44th consecutive month. This data reinforces the commitment of the Federal Government, through the Ministry of Ports and Airports (MPor), to expand air connectivity with other continents.
The ministry’s minister, Silvio Costa Filho, highlighted the various actions adopted by the public and private sectors with the aim of strengthening the air transport sector and achieving aviation growth. “We are having a very successful year in our international aviation, expected to be the best in history. The good result achieved so far is the result of great partnerships made with the Ministry of Tourism, Embratur, airlines and the entire production chain. Among the actions carried out by the Federal Government is the launch of the International Tourism Acceleration Program (PATI), with investments to promote international tourism”, he assessed.
From January to November this year, more than 22.6 million tourists passed through Brazilian airports on flights abroad. This indicator accumulates an increase of 17% in relation to data collected in the same period last year. Chile, Portugal, Argentina and the United States are the destinations with the largest flow of tourists, with Brazil as their origin and/or destination. The number of flights in the international market also showed a positive variation. In the month of November, there were around 12 thousand operations abroad. Year-to-date, the indicator grew 15.6%.
Internal growth
If the numbers are positive in the international market, the domestic market is no different. The number of travelers within the country reached 8 million last month, which represents a growth of 6% compared to the same period in 2023. This is the best value for the period since 2019. The numbers reinforce the rise of national tourism to throughout this year. The number of flights also grew in the period (6.5%), with emphasis on the Southeast and Northeast regions.
Considering the total movement of travelers in Brazilian civil aviation, from January to November, more than 107 million people were transported by air. General movement and movement in the international market are the best for the month of November since the beginning of the historical series, which began in 2000. The data presented here is part of the Demand and Supply panel, made available by the National Civil Aviation Agency.
Recently, according to data released by the International Air Transport Association (IATA), Brazil became the fourth largest market in the world ranking of domestic flights, representing 1.2% of the global total. In national operations, the country had a growth of 6.6%, an average above the global market (5.6%). The result indicates a clear recovery in the country in the number of passengers on domestic flights, behind only the United States, China and Japan.
With information from the Presidency of the Republic*
Source: https://www.ocafezinho.com/2024/12/21/brasil-bate-recorde-de-viajantes-em-voos-para-o-exterior/