Pope Francis said in a recent interview that “being homosexual is not a crime” but a “human condition”. According to the pontiff, “we are all children of God and God loves us as we are”. Watch the video at the bottom of the page.
The Holy Father begins his speech commenting on countries that condemn homosexuality, including applying the death penalty. He claims that most nations that have this as a policy do so in a veiled way, criminalizing people who have “unnatural attitudes”.
The leader of the Catholic Church considers it unfair to criminalize someone for their sexual orientation. “Here in the audience, in fact, I receive groups of people like that. We are all children of God. And God loves us as we are and for the strength each of us fights for our dignity. Being homosexual is not a crime,” Francisco said.
The Pope countered those who say it is a sin: “’It is not a crime, but it is a sin’. Alright, but first let’s distinguish a sin from a crime. It is also a sin to lack charity towards one another, and how are you? Every man and every woman should have a window in their lives where they can pour out their hope and where they can see the dignity of God. And being homosexual is not a crime. It is a human condition”, concluded the pontiff.
Watch the video below.
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Source: https://www.diariodocentrodomundo.com.br/video-ser-homossexual-nao-e-crime-e-condicao-humana-diz-o-papa-francisco/