This Monday, Judge Casanello ordered the prosecution of 12 militants of the Polo Obrero. This is a step forward in the case as part of a political persecution of this organization and others that organize the most precarious sectors of the working class. As we have been reflecting in La Izquierda Diario, while the government is austerity, increasing poverty and seizing food, it is attacking those who protest against this situation.

To respond to this attack by the judiciary, which deepens the criminalization of social protest, the Polo Obrero called a press conference this Tuesday, July 30 at 10 a.m.

“Judge Casanello ordered the prosecution of 12 comrades from Polo Obrero, the partner of Editorial e Impresiones Rumbos and two comrades from Barrios de Pie. The prosecution violates the right to defense by denying the expansion of the investigation of Eduardo Belliboni and María “Tango” Dotti, who were presented before the judicial recess and who requested to present more evidence refuting the accusations. The judge’s construction is a mishmash of lies that ignores reality and the evidence presented with the aim of advancing the persecution and criminalization of Polo Obrero for the role it has played in the organization and mobilization of the most exploited neighborhoods in the country,” reads the statement released by Polo Obrero.

The Polo Obrero denounces the lack of recognition of the evidence presented, among other legal maneuvers to justify the measure adopted. And the organization led by Belliboni warns that: “Finally, the Judge also rejects the request of the Prosecutor to move forward against Emilio Pérsico and other officials of the former Ministry of Social Development.

The Judge thus constructs a prosecution tailored to the political needs of those who govern and have governed: bringing to the dock the organization that has been at the forefront of the struggles of the unemployed, against the evidence presented, while exonerating officials of all political colors.

In the next few days we will present the appeal requesting the annulment of these shameful prosecutions. The fight against this case is entering a new stage and we are going to do it as part of the great fight against hunger and for democratic freedoms and the right to protest that both Bullrich and Milei as well as the entire judicial power want to trample on.”

The meeting for political organizations, human rights organizations, and student representatives will be tomorrow at Monteagudo 730 (CABA) at 10 a.m.


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