The insurers Asisa and DKV continue to analyze the economic conditions contained in the specifications for the new Muface concert, after Adeslas reported last week that it would not submit to the tender due to insufficient budgetary conditions.
As both companies have informed Europa Press, to date no decision has been made regarding whether or not to participate in the tender to provide health care to Muface officials. Companies have until January 15.
After the first tender opened by the mutual insurance company was abandoned, a new agreement was published that increased the increase in the average bonus per official. If in the first tender Muface offered an increase of 17.12%, in the second the increase has become 33.5%.
In total, given that the concert covers three years, it represents a business of around 4,478 million euros, which is equivalent to an increase of 957 million compared to the previous period. The cost per year will be 1,303 million euros in 2025, 1,490 million euros in 2026, and 1,685 million euros in 2027. The premium per mutual member would go from 1,031.12 euros currently to 1,262.28 euros in 2027.
Despite this proposed increase, Adeslas reported last week that it would not submit to this new tender either. The company argued that these conditions would cause losses of 250 million euros.
The insurer’s request was that the concert be only for two years and with a cumulative increase of 34% (24% in 2025 and an additional 10% in 2026). Given that Adeslas accepted an increase in premiums of 17.12% in the case of the Mugeju and Isfas mutual societies, it considers that to maintain economic balance the increase for 2025 and 2026 in Muface alone should be 47%.
For the moment, until this second tender is resolved, the Government has decided to extend the current agreement for a maximum period of three months and for an amount of 343 million euros.
Source: www.eldiario.es