More than a month after the visit of six deputies from La Libertad, the genocides are advancing In the Ezeiza prison, this Tuesday was the first meeting of a commission that discussed the incident. So far, not even a rejection has been voted on.The visit took place on July 11 and the legislators involved are: Beltrán He blessesMaria Fernanda AraujoDew BonacciGuillermo MontenegroLourdes Arrieta and Alida Ferreyra.
The debate began in the permanent committee on Petitions, Powers and Regulations that Principal Silvia Lospennato of the PRO. This Tuesday’s call was product of an agreement reached 15 days ago between the ruling party and its allies, to which Unión por la Patria agreed so that this would be the instance where what happened and the projects presented by different blocks would be discussed.
They were Only two of the deputies from La Libertad Avanza who were part of the delegation were present who visited the genocidaires in the Ezeiza prison: Rocio Bonacci and Lourdes Arrieta. The two who said they were “deceived”, although Bonacci is the only one who did not lend herself to the photo. When Arrieta He took the floor on Tuesday and once again exposed the internal issues within the ruling party: He blamed the president of the Chamber of Deputies and his colleague who was pointed out as the organizer of the visit. “If they have to ask for some explanations, they should start with those who organized it, those who provided the tools for this visit to take place, or with those who pursued other purposes and had not communicated to us. Both the deputy Beltran Benedit and also the president of the Chamber, Martin Menem. We do not rule alone.”were his words. Martin Menem He was involved because the libertarian delegation went in an official van from the Lower House authorized by the presidency.
He scandal escalated As the days went by, not only was the photo of the meeting known, but it was also known that it was not the only meeting, that there were several chat groups that included libertarians together with judges, lawyers of genocides, and even a priest (Javier Olivera Ravasi), to plan projects and resolutions that give impunity to the repressors of the last military dictatorship. Arrieta even presented a complaint to the courts against his own block. German Martinez read the accusations it contains: “the commission of crimes of aggravated coercion, abuse of authority and violation of duties of a public official, misappropriation of public funds and conspiracy”.
However, in the Chamber of Deputies the debate has been postponed and this first instance demonstrated that the intention of the government and its allies is to avoid any investigation.
What measures are under discussion?
Except for La Libertad Avanza, all the blocks expressed their rejection of the visit from libertarian legislators to the genocidaires, although more than a month after the event the Chamber of Deputies has not resolved any pronouncement. There was an opportunity to do so in the session a week ago, but the strategy of the ruling party and allied blocs was to delay it. From La Libertad Avanza they limited themselves to trying to distance themselves from the visit, without repudiating it. “Obviously we are in favor of democracy” Gabriel Bornoroni had to clarifyhead of the La Libertad Avanza faction. “There is talk of issues from the past that we have nothing to do with and do not claim to have.” He complained about previous interventions that detailed torture, rape of detained women, or the appropriation of babies committed by the genocidaires who were visited. Nicolas del Caño answered him reminding him that Victoria Villarruel was visiting the genocidal Jorge Rafael Videla. Boronori referred to “the detainees” of Ezeiza, and due to the shouts of some deputies he had to correct himself and ended up saying “the genocidal ones.”
The authors of the projects proposing different measures against visits stated at the beginning: Vanesa Siley and Germain Martinez of Union for the Homeland, Lourdes Arrieta of Freedom Advances and Christian Castillo of the Left Front. The projects are proposed start an investigation but with two different modalities.
In the case of Union for the Homeland and Arrieta They propose that the special commission stipulated in the regulations and has been used in other cases. “The president will appoint a special commission of five members to propose the measure that the case demands” Article 188 of the regulations stipulating the proposed commission states. The peculiarity of Unión por la Patria is that they focus on the sanction that should fall on the 6 legislators: some propose the expulsionothers that are minimal suspended until an investigation is carried out. They also requested that human rights organisations be invited to give their statements to the commission before any sanction is proposed.
The Left Front’s proposal is different: create a joint commission of inquiry where everyone participates interested blockslos human rights organizations and the complainantss of the cases against the genocides who went to visit Ezeiza. That is to say, to involve the human rights organizations directly affected in the investigation process, and not to restrict the investigative commission to 5 members that are agreed upon by some blocks. It was Nicholas del Caño who explained this proposal, which he complemented with the need to express rejection. Christian Castillo He argued the need to “investigate thoroughly” by detailing the consequences of the impunity that the genocidaires continue to enjoy and how they act to prevent the truth from being known and justice from being done. He exemplified this with the disappearance of Jorge Julio Lopez while the trial against the genocidal Etchecolatz was taking place in 2006, or the murder of Silvia Suppo in Santa Fe in 2010. He added the case of Prefect Febres: While he was going to testify and give information about the fate of the missing and appropriated children, he was found dead in his cell, poisoned with cyanide in 2007. Myriam Bregman was present at the commission on Tuesday, and has been warning about the impact of the visit to Ezeiza on the trials that are taking place, such as that of Vicky Walsh, daughter of Rodolfo Walsh, where she is the plaintiff’s lawyer.
We are in the Petitions Committee and the genocidal Cinto Courteaux is mentioned. I remember that Villaruel, when she was a deputy, never went to the committees. When she did, she was accompanied by an advisor: the son of that genocidal. She attacked Nora Cortiñas and a son of missing persons. All…
— Myriam Bregman (@myriambregman) August 20, 2024
“The problem is whether there is a will to investigate or not” Deputy Del Caño denounced the positions expressed by other blocks allied to the ruling party. Not only did La Libertad Avanza show its In order to avoid any investigation, the PRO and the Civic Coalition joined in.
Bornoronihead of the libertarian bloc, was the first to announce that they want to put limits on it: “They are calling for the creation of an (investigative) commission that is not a power of this commission”. Furthermore, he used an interpretation of the regulations to maintain that the Chamber of Deputies can only sanction events that occur within the legislative sphere.
They joined him Silvia Lospennato and Silvana Giudici of the PROy Juan Manuel Lopez of the Civic Coalition. Taking advantage of the proposal for sanctions by Unión por la Patria, they insisted that it is not a crime to go and visit genocidaires in prison, that the freedom of deputies to present a bill on impunity or to meet with whomever they want cannot be curtailed. They argued in a unified manner that, if they were to present a bill of these characteristics, it is appropriate to debate it and in any case it will be rejected in the Chamber of Deputies. Putting the focus on sanctions was the best way out they found to divert the focus from the objectives of the investigation. Regarding the visit to Ezeiza: the impact on the trials in cases of crimes against humanity that are still being developed, which are genocidal and which to this day continue to commit crimes due to their pact of silence, and due to the irregularities of the visit that involve the Penitentiary Service and Minister Patricia Bullrich herself.
From the Union for the Homeland and the Left Front they pointed especially to the responsibility of the Minister of Security. Nicolás del Caño said that a few days ago he went with Congressman Vilca to visit the two prisoners (Daniela and Roberto) who remain detained in Ezeiza for protesting against the law bases and that “Obviously we couldn’t get in with cell phones, they scanned us from top to bottom”. In the case of the visit to the genocides, they were able to enter with cell phones, and “Some say they even received sandwiches” Del Caño said that he demanded that the person in charge of the penitentiary service be summoned. Cecilia Moreau and Vanesa Siley of Unión por la Patria read some messages from the leaked chat groups that the libertarians had to organize the visit, where Beltrán claimed to have the approval of Patria Bullrich. Neither the PRO, nor the Civic Coalition, nor the UCR made any mention of these events. Although the government’s allied blocs, The UCR was the only one that expressed its agreement with the special commission to evaluate the possibility of sanctions, as stated by Carla Carrizo.
Silvia Lospennato The commission ended without a schedule of how the debate will continue in the Chamber of Deputies. The only resolution he announced is that there will be a “advisory meeting” this Friday. But there were no details of a new public call. Nothing was defined either about the invitation to human rights organizations as some blocks demanded. What is on the agenda is the intention to dilute and delay the debate and investigation in Congress on what happened in Ezeiza. Outside, the struggle of so many years against the impunity of yesterday and today is the real threat that the government and its allies fear.
Source: www.laizquierdadiario.com