After the confirmation of the veto on university financing, which the Milei government obtained together with its accomplice caste of macristas, radicals and a sector of Peronism, the president continues his attacks on the public university.

On this occasion, the president took advantage of an event at the former Kirchner Cultural Center to affirm that “the uncomfortable truth of Argentine education is that the National Public University today is of no use to anyone other than the children of the upper class and the rich.” , the upper middle class. In a country where the vast majority of children are poor and do not know how to read, write or perform a basic mathematical operation, the myth of free university becomes a subsidy from the poor to the rich, whose children are the only ones who get to the university with the resources, culture and common time to be able to study. The university has stopped being a tool for social mobility and has become an obstacle to it.”

The president is increasingly disconnected from reality. If there is something that “only serves the rich” it is not exactly the public university but its government at the service of big businessmen, the IMF and speculators, while attacking education, health, retirees and the entire working people.

But that only makes the rebellion grow. Last week ended with a huge university wave with assemblies, protests and actions in more than 38 universities in the country and for Monday and Tuesday dozens of assemblies have already been called to continue the fight.

The more Milei provokes, the stronger the fighting will be in the streets. To win the fight.


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