The governor Axel Kicillof “illegal” described the teaching strike convened for this Wednesday and announced that the salary not worked to those who adhere to the measure will discount from the salary. That is, teachers who join unemployment will not perceive the corresponding wages. From the Multicolor they replied: “The only one that harms the beginning of classes is the government of the milei scammer who robbed us of the fonid and attacks education. In the Kicillof province he also adjusts and on top of his constitutional right to strike attacks.”
The only one that harms the start of classes is the government of the Milei scammer that robes us the fonid and attacks education.
In the Kicillof province he also adjusts and attacks our constitutional right to strike. Enough of squeezes !! Tomorrow #parodocentte With multicolored pic.twitter.com/yp2FiQvCG3— Nathalia Gonzalez (@NathiGonzalezS) March 4, 2025
The beginning of the Buenos Aires school cycle is crossed by the teaching salary claim. The CGT guilds had originally summoned a strike for March 5, the start of classes in this province. Last Thursday they announced the suspension of the measure because, as they expressed in a statement, they had had an approach with the Milei government.
Before the announcement of the suspension of unemployment, The multicolored ratified the measure from hundreds of school mandates, which expressed the anger and discontent Not only with the governments of the adjustment, but also with the complicit trade union conductions that make a great favor to the Esthafter Government of Milei and the governors. “In one of the worst moments of the government, with the crisis open for the scam of the crypto, the union conductions, instead of calling a lifeguard,” they declared.
Among the teaching claims are the requirement of a salary that allows to cover the basic family basket, with automatic adjustments according to inflation, and the recovery of the purchasing power lost in 2024. In addition, they demand the restitution of the funds that, as they denounce, were cut by the administration of Milei in the educational field Fonid, as well as the guarantee of the benefits of the Institute of Assistance Medical Work (IOMA).
In parallel, the leaders of Ctera con Yasky and Baradel at the head, They signed in a totally inconvenience the accession To the new political space launched by Governor KicillofRight movement to the future, in the face of the next legislative elections and as part of the internal of Peronism.
At the beginning of the measure, the General Directorate of Culture and Education of the Buenos Aires Government issued a statement in which it maintains that “these actions lack legitimacy, considering the recent salary agreements achieved in the joint negotiations with the guilds representing the teaching sector.” Therefore, It was reported that those who participate in unemployment will be discounted the day.
From Suteba Tigre, Marcos Paz and delegates from the multicolored list responded With a statement where they claim: “The Government of the Province of Buenos Aires, the Ministry of Labor of the Province and the DGCyE have to put aside these persecutory practices on the rights earned by decades of struggle. It is not with layoffs, threats, and rights cuts as public school defends. That policy promoted by the National Government of Milei, is leading the country to a calamic situation. That is why it is not a measure of strength only in the province of Buenos Aires but a national day of teaching struggle also convened by Adejys in Caba, ATECH in Chubut, in San Juan, Santa Cruz, Misiones, Tierra del Fuego, Córdoba and Jujuy.”
For its part, Nicolás del Caño, National Deputy of the Left Fronthe pointed strong against the governor for copying Milei’s methods: “The attack on the right to strike from Buenos Aires by the Kicillof government is inadmissible. They copy the right methods. All our support to the teachers of the province who are in the fight against the adjustment of Milei and its accomplices. ”
The attack on the right to strike from Buenos Aires by the Kicillof government is inadmissible. They copy the right methods. All our support for the teachers of the province who are in the fight against the adjustment of Milei and its accomplices. https://t.co/grqgevwzlc
– Nicolas del Caño (@nicolasdelcano) March 5, 2025
The March 5 unemployment has been preparing with assembly mandates in many schools in the province where discomfort grows and the reasons for going to a force measure grow. Teachers denounce that they continue to receive tight by inspectors and managers. The reaction of Governor Kicillof confirms that the call to unemployment bothers him, because he shows that not only is Milei who adjusts the workers and public education.
Source: www.laizquierdadiario.com