The long day on Wednesday, in which the treatment of the so-called omnibus law began, was traced by complaints within the Chamber of Deputies, where the irregularities that are already a registered trademark in the treatment of this law continued since it began to be debated in the plenary meetings; and for the outstanding peaceful street mobilization of thousands of people outside Congress.
Social, political, cultural organizations, self-convened neighborhood assemblies, along with workers, young people and retirees, were present to reject the adjustment and attack that the legislative package that the Government and the collaborationist right represent for the majorities. They intend to hand over the country to the concentrated groups of economic power; curtail the acquired rights of workers; plunder the environment; deliver natural resources, among others.
The multiple zonal assemblies of the AMBA mobilized to the National Congress to express their rejection of the omnibus law. They arrived after having set up different coordination bodies to participate together in the days of protest that began this Wednesday, January 31.
In this post on Instagram by La Izquierda Diario, you will find the voices of the assembly members after the repression.
On Wednesday, These assemblies were an important factor in strengthening the mobilization and stopping the repression of the security forces.. This Thursday, with Patricia Bullrich more determined to put on a show – she ordered repression against protesters who were on the sidewalk -, dozens of assemblies used sticks, rubber bullets and gas.
The harsh repression on the outskirts of Congress was not only against self-convened neighbors of the neighborhood assemblies, but also against United for Culture, workers, women, young people, students, retirees, as well as social organizations and left-wing parties that resisted in the Congress Square. These repressive attacks were for many of the protesters, particularly the young people, a baptism of fire. They were not discouraged. It was also a first experience with a government that is willing to repress, even using very toxic gases, such as pepper spray mixed with tear gas, or “throwing” police motorcycles at the protesters.
The protesters did not resist the repressive advance alone. They had the essential support of doctors, professionals and health workers, who did an important job setting up a health post. where they treated more than 100 people during the repression this Thursday.
After resisting for hours against all types of attacks by the security forces, the assembly members withdrew from Plaza Congreso, mobilized alongside the United for Culture column, to Av de Mayo and Luis Sáenz Peña. There the assemblies deconcentrate and each one returns to their areas.
In these two days, the good spirits of the assembly members stood out. Also the anger against the CGT, from which he demands a fighting plan, because the strike was not enough.
“Ole, ole, this strike will not be enough, the national struggle plan” and “where is that famous CGT that cannot be seen”; were some of the songs that went through the assemblies, which are part of the conversations that have been taking place in these spaces since they stood up to defeat Milei’s chainsaw plan.
They are not only questioning the union centers, but other political currents that were not mobilized these days or that passed for a while and then were erased. Supporters of Juan Grabois, La Cámpora or Peronism questioned his actions.
These are some conclusions that arise when discussing how to continue to defeat the government’s plan and the dialogue sectors. Along with this, they began to discuss the need to expand participation in the assemblies, as well as continue moving forward. in coordination with other neighborhood spaces to strengthen forces and impose that fighting plan on the CGT.
Furthermore, in many assemblies, in the heat of these three days of mobilization, with everything that this triggered, and with the result of the general approval of the law in the Chamber of Deputies, They began to debate that only the first round of this fight concluded. That it will have new chapters, new battles and that this puts at the center the need to massify the assemblies to converge with other sectors in struggle to coordinate. A perspective that has been raised, also in several plenary meetings that bring together various assemblies, such as the one that took place last Saturday in CABA.
With this horizon they are calling to mobilize next Tuesday at the doors of Congress, when the sessions in the Chamber of Deputies resume that will discuss the articles of the law that was approved in general this Friday.
Northern Zone of Greater Buenos Aires, assembly members on the way to mobilization
Western Zone of Greater Buenos Aires
Southern Zone of Greater Buenos Aires
La Plata Assemblies
Source: www.laizquierdadiario.com