Neither budgets nor the government expects them to have them. At least, in the short term. The unlocking of the interlocution with Junts, which backed down with his requirement of a matter of trust to Pedro Sánchez and with his sense of vote in the revaluation of pensions in exchange for other assignments such as the competences shared in immigration, does not end up unblocking a grass legislature in draft reforms. And not only for the accounts. The great government ads such as the reduction of the working day, the housing aid measures, the democratic regeneration plan or the modernization of the judicial career have not even begun the route of their parliamentary processing waiting for stable majorities in Congress that guarantee their viability.

“The majorities are the ones that are, they have not changed,” said the government spokeswoman this week in the press room after the Council of Ministers. Pilar Alegría celebrated the agreement with Junts on immigration powers but did not contribute much more light on the future of the legislature now. “We will continue to undertake the dialogue with all the political forces and in that we are. At all we renounce to have approved new general state budgets that are destined to continue growing redistributively, ”added Pilar Alegría.

But that public discourse collides with the perspectives that in private transfer from the different ministries and from the parliamentary groups on a negotiation that does not even, today, exists. No one rules out at this point, in fact, that the Executive breaches the public commitment transferred both by María Jesús Montero and by the President himself when both affirmed that, with or without support, the Budget Law would be presented and defended in Congress. The decision now is that, if there is no possibility of addressing that negotiation, the accounts do not even appear. And in Moncloa they think that it is a chimera to consider today a scenario in which to agree on groups such as Podemos or Juns, both essential, and more with the background sea of ​​the exponential increase in military spending committed by Spain for the threat of Russia and the United States on Ukraine or after the migration agreement with the Catalan independentistas.

There are those who among the socialist ranks came to Atisbar that, precisely that pact on competencies in immigration signed and registered this week, would mean a rubicon after which those of Puigdemont would be open to unlock budgets that support the legislature. But nothing is further from reality. “It is an absolutely different folder, it has nothing to do,” they say in Junts, where they make it clear that the assignment accepted by the PSOE this week is not enough and only obeys old commitments.

“Many have linked that, if the agreement on migratory powers was approved, the budgets were unlocked. And it is not so. Nor is they blocked, it is simply that this folder is not on top of the table, ”says the independence.

Questioned about what the most would need from the Government to get to that screen, in Junts they are clear. “There are two other folders that are already known. The first is that of Catalan in Europe. And the other is amnesty, ”they point out. Also asked about the margin that the Executive has on an amnesty that has already promoted, approved and is in force at the expense that the courts of justice decide or not apply it, those of Puigdemont respond: “The government can apply something that has not done so far, which is a political amnesty. But what is Red Live is Catalan in Europe, ”they conclude without offering more explanations.

In the Executive, meanwhile, they keep intact the guideline not to enter the crossroads in any case with the party of Carles Puigdemont. In fact, they share in the Government that the Folder of the General State Budgets is not even today on the table and focus on getting sufficient parliamentary majority to exit the legislative funnel in which the Congress of Deputies has become.

Housing, working hours, judicial reform

Beyond the budgets, the government accumulates a long list of draft law promoted by the Council of Ministers that are waiting to begin their parliamentary processing and that there is sufficient majority to be able to see the light. This is the case, for example, of the labor reform prepared by the Ministry of Labor and that includes the reduction of the working day, one of the star measures of the department of Yolanda Díaz for this legislature.

The complexity that this proposal, purely progressive and that has the rejection of the employer, has enough support in Congress has a curious connection with the migratory pact between the PSOE and Juns this week. Numerous left -wing formations, some as the United Left or Compromís that are part of adding, have shown their rejection of approaches that directly consider “racist” and have announced their vote against in Congress. Yolanda Díaz herself and her team, however, have saved a measured silence for one reason: they need Junts’ votes to boost the reduction of day.

As has confirmed by parliamentary sources, contacts between Junts and Yolanda Díaz have been produced for weeks, although from the Puigdemont party it is ensured that the agreement is not much less close. And waiting for its processing continues the norm, which is expected to be approved by the Council of Ministers in the second round to the end of March to start in Congress during the month of April with an uncertain future.

In January, and after several mass demonstrations organized by tenant unions, the President of the Government announced to Bombo and Survey a wide pack of housing measures. From the department of Isabel Rodríguez they explain that some of these measures are already underway, such as the public rental company or the strategic project of modernization of the sector. But the truth is that the bulk of committed policies or have begun their processing nor are they even scheduled in the parliamentary calendar.

They have not begun to be processed or the regulation against the fraud of the seasonal rentals, nor the limitation of purchasing of housing by non -resident extra -communal foreigners, nor the tax advantages for the owners who rent at affordable prices, nor the fiscal reform on the tourist floors, nor the priority of the public administrations for the purchase of land and homes. On none of these measures there are also guarantees to be able to ahormar parliamentary majorities that validate them.

The draft Law on the reform of the judicial system approved in January by the Council of Ministers is also pending. According to sources from the Ministry of Justice, the mandatory opinions of the General Council of the Judiciary, the Fiscal Council and the State Council are waiting before approved in the second round, for which there is still no date.

In full offensive of the opposition in the courts, the Minister of Justice, Félix Bolaños, appeared at a press conference at the beginning of the year to announce “a comprehensive reform of the oppositions to judge and fiscal” for which, he said, the Scholarship System for Oppositors was shielded by law, the creation of a public center for the preparation of the candidates for both careers and the call of the call was guaranteed Fourth turn. According to the department of Bolaños himself, there are already informal contacts with the parliamentary groups for their future processing, although the formations of the Congress consulted by this newspaper point out that there has been no progress in the last two months since its approval in the Council of Ministers or, at the moment, for the moment, calendar planned for it.

Other legislative projects of the Government, such as those that contained the so -called Democratic Regeneration Plan or even those committed to independence forces, such as the condonation of regional debts or the delegation of migratory powers to Catalonia, neither are their viability in Congress guaranteed. In the government they recognize the complexity of a parliamentary horizon with increasing clouds. The goal, they say, is to negotiate “party by game” and assume that, some of them will be lost along the way. Such a solid certainty, they say, such as that Pedro Sánchez will endure the legislature until 2027 no matter how much the margin of maneuver is narrowed.


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