The AEX price started strongly on Friday, May 3, with an increase of 0.78 percent. Since last Wednesday’s press conference by the US central bank (Federal Reserve), sentiment on the market appears to be cautiously turning around again. While everyone was counting on a very strict Federal Reserve, in reality it wasn’t that bad.
As a result, not only is the AEX price shooting up, but Bitcoin and the American stock exchanges are also slightly higher.
Windfall from America
During the first three months of 2024, inflation in the United States suddenly rose again. This unexpected increase in inflation in America may well be the result of the words of the Federal Reserve in December 2023.
At the time, the Federal Reserve said that they had started thinking about lowering interest rates because inflation was falling towards the desired 2.0 percent.
In response, markets shot up, leaving investors a lot richer on paper. The theory is that this caused consumption to pick up in America, boosting inflation.
After those inflation increases, the market was afraid of a very strict Federal Reserve on Wednesday. Some analysts even counted on announcing a scenario in which new interest rate increases would be a possibility.
However, that did not happen, which resulted in a positive surprise. For this reason, among other things, the markets shot up and it seems possible that the AEX price and the rest of the market have seen their “local bottom”.
Many winners at the Amsterdam stock exchange
Among the major shares on the Amsterdam AEX, ING was the winner with an increase of about 2 percent, after the bank’s figures on Thursday had already been received very positively.
Chipmakers ASML and Besi managed to rise by more than one percent. Philips and Heineken were the only companies among the big boys to record a small loss. UMG managed to rise by 1.4 percent after the presentation of the quarterly figures.
Bottom line, these results ensure a small increase in the AEX today.
Source: https://newsbit.nl/aex-koers-omhoog-is-de-bodem-bereikt/