The social organizations nucleated in the Piquetero Unit returned to mobilize at the door of the Ministry of Development. There, they held a press conference in which they protested for the situation that affects 160,000 families who were discharged from the Potenciar Trabajo collection.
This brutal cut in “spending” against those who have less, is part of the adjustment applied by the Government of the Front of Allin compliance with the agreement signed with the IMF that legitimized the fraudulent debt macrista.
It also happens after the guns of the ruling party and the right-wing opposition began to point against the beneficiaries of that plan, after a speech by Cristina Kirchner in a plenary session of the CTA in June 2022.
On that occasion, the vice president He referred harshly to the distribution of the plans and to the social movements. A speech similar to the one raised by the right and the big employers against the unemployed. This enabled the Government to begin cross-checking data, auditing, and validation requests.
In December, the Government sought to deactivate the mobilizations due to the cut and the low amounts of the Potenciar plans. For that, signed a truce with the official social movements in exchange for a bonus to be collected only in March for the beneficiaries.
“Thousands of families went to the ATMs and verified that their social plan was suspended,” they said. And that happened as they stated, despite the fact that “many of these colleagues had validated their data in a timely manner and they were suspended anyway.”
They denounced at the same time that “the audits of the plans are carried out online, when In Argentina, poverty and lack of connectivity affect millions of people”.
One of the speakers during the press conference was Eduardo Belliboni, leader of the Polo Obrero. He denounced that the government’s policy is a “continuation of last year’s adjustment”, which has its expression in “Massa’s adjustment budget, which not only cuts social assistance, but also pensions, and the budgets for education and health”.
Silvia Saravia, from Libres del Sur, Sebastián from MST Teresa Vive and members of Coordinadora por el Cambio Social also spoke during the conference. After the conference, in which a day of struggle with the same demands was announced for next February 7a street cut was made on 9 de Julio avenue at the Ministry.
As they affirmed, that day of February 7 will consist of a series of “actions in 130 points of the country, with cuts in accesses, bridges and national and provincial routes.”
Source: www.laizquierdadiario.com